Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/37

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burgomaster, Generallö‘jtnant lieutenant general; 4) in the words: nordo‘st northeast, nordve‘st northwest etc., and in Skjærso‘mmer month of June, Pebermy‘nte peppermint, Skarnty‘de hemlock, Fastela‘vn shrovetide, Skjærto‘rsdag Maundy Thursday, Langfre‘dag Good Friday; 5) in words, the second part of which is lille: Barnli‘lle little child, Morli‘lle dear mother; 6) in some words the first part of which is a verbal stem, the second an adverb: Paso‘p (dog's name), Farve‘l farewell; b) in adjectives:

1) in some adjective derivatives in -ig or -lig: agtvæ‘rdig estimable, tilø‘rlig proper, hævngje‘rrig vindictive, frimo‘dig frank, taalmo‘dig patient (but ho‘vmodig haughty), nederdræ‘gtig mean. But most compound adjectives formed in this manner have the accent on the first part of the composition: ski‘nhellig hypocritical, ma‘ngesidig manysided, e‘nsformig uniform; no strict rules can be given, because the language of different persons differs even in the same words, and sometimes similar words differ without any apparent reason (Ex.: ko‘rtvarig of short duration; but: langva‘rig of long duration) and in some cases difference in accent serves to indicate difference of meaning; Ex.: enfo‘ldig simple minded, e‘nfoldig yielding a return equal to the seed sown; 2) in adjectives derived in -som and -bar: opfi‘ndsom inventive, udfø‘rbar practicable; 3) in compound adjectives the first part of which is al: alvi‘dende omniscient, almæ‘gtig almighty, ale‘ne alone; 4) in some other compound adjectives: höjvelbaa‘ren nobel, höjæ‘del highly noble, höjstæ‘ret highly honored, medli‘dende sympathetic, tilfre‘ds satisfied;

c) compound adverbs the first part of which is der or her and the second part a preposition, are accentuated on the first part, if they commence the sentence; if not, they are accentuated according to the logical importance of the component