Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/62

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that the word is originally Norwegian and does not occur in the Danish language. (See § 122).

122. The sound of k is in many words represented in writing by the letter g; 1) after a short vowel before s or t; 2) after a long vowel at the end of words or before ə; Ex. : 1) Slags (aks) kind (but Slags of a battle), Krigsflaade (ks) navy, Rigs(ks)-advokat attorney general, bugsere (ks) to tow, Jagt (kt) chase, lagt (kt) laid, Digt (kt) poem, sligt (kt) (neut.) such, styyt (kt) ugly, stegt (kt) ptc. fried, Vœgt (kt) weight; 2) Ager (k) field, bag (k) behind, Bager (k) baker, bruge (k) to use, Bøg (k) beech, Dug (k) table cloth, Hage (k) chin, Høg (k) hawk, Lage (k) brine, Lagen (k) (bed)-sheet (but Lager (g) stock in store), Leg (k) play, lege (k) to play, myg (k) pliable [but Myg (gg) mosquito], syg (k) sick, ryge (k) to smoke (intr.), röge (k) to smoke (trans.), Spiger (k) nail, Tag (k) roof, grasp, rig (k) rich, lig (k) adj. like, Forlig (k or g) agreement, forlige (k or g) to reconcile [but Forligelseskommission (g) commissioners of arbitration], Taage (k) fog.

Note. Often in these words the pronunciations as g and k interchange with each other, the former being considered more polite and appropriate for elevated style.

In the following words there are double forms (with k and g) partly with a different meaning.

with k with g
Bog book pr. bo·k. Bog pr. Båg more polite.
Flag sometimes pron. flak in Isflag flake of Ice, Skjorteflag (k or g) shirtlap. Flag (a·g or agg) national ensign.
klog (pr. klo·k) sagacious; han er ikke rigtig klog (k) he is not quite in his right senses; jeg er lige (k) klog (k) I am just as wise as I used to be. en klog (åg) Kone a wise woman (i. e. on supernatural things); det er meget klogt gjort that is a very clever move, af Skade bliver man klog damage makes wise.