Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/73

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de dropped. de retained.
blö(d)e to bleed. mit Hjærte blöder my heart bleeds.
bry(de) (in past tense brydde) to trouble, bry sit Hode med (spelt: bryde sit Hoved) to trouble one's head about something. bryde to break (a wholly different word, pres. tense pron. bryte, past tense bröd (pron. brøt).
bry(de) sig om to mind.
bry(de) en Gut med en Jente to tease a boy about a girl.
by(de) to offer, by(de) paa noget to give a bid for something or to invite to partake of something. byde command, Loven byder the law commands, sælge til höistbydende to sell to the highest bidder.
fö(de) to bear (give birth) and to feed (especially in the abbreviation the rule in this latter meaning), sultefö sine Kreaturer to starve one's cattle. du skal föde en Sön thou shallt bear a son, Födeland country of birth. Födemiddel aliment.
gli(de) to glide. Glidebane a slide.
glæ(de) to gladden jeg glæ(de)r mig til de(t) I anticipate it with pleasure. Glæde joy, de(t) glæder mig at höre I am glad o hear it.
klæ(de) to dress, at klæ(de) paa en to dress somebody, det klæ(de)r Dem godt it fits you well, Klæ(de)r clothes, Haandklæ(de) towel, Klæ(de)sbörste clothes brush. beklæde et Embede to fill an office, Klæde cloth, sort Klæde black broadcloth, Ligklæde pall.
la(de) et Gevær to load a gun. Ladested small town (without a city charter).
la(d) det vœre let that be, i. e. don't do that (see § 106). lade to leave undone.