Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/87

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3) Foreign words ending in -iv, -ment, -om, -um are neuter; et Komplement (but en Kompliment); et Ultimatum, et Arkiv, et Axiom.

160. Compound words have the gender of the last component part: en Bordplade a table slab, et Hesteben a horse's leg.

Exceptions: En Ödeland a spendthrift, en Graaskjæg a greybeard, et Folkefærd a race, et Gjenfærd a ghost, et Vidnesbyrd a testimony, dette Perlemo(de)r this mother-of-pearl, Brændevinet the brandy, Forskjellen the difference (but Grændseskjellet the border line).

161. Some words imply a different meaning according as they are used in common gender or neuter. In other cases originally different words have the same sound, but disagree in gender.

common gender neuter
Arken the ark. et Ark a sheet (of paper).
en Bid (Norw. Bit, Bete) a bit, piece. et Bid (dd) a bite.
en Bo (in compounds Nabo etc. a neighbor). et Bo an estate.
en Brug a custom. et Brug (Norw.) establishment, concern.
en Buk a he-goat. et Buk a bow.
Felten the campaign. Feltet the field, sphere.
en Frö a frog. et Frö a seed.
en Fyr a fellow, chap. et Fyr a light-house.
en Fölge a consequence. et Fölge a retinue.
Lejen the rent. Lejet the couch.
en Lem a trap. et Lem a member.
en Lod share, lot. et Lod a weight.
en Nögle a key. et Nögle (D.) a ball (of yarn)
en Raad (in compounds: Statsraad, etc.) a councillor. et Raad a council, advice.