Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/98

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Paradigm: lang long.

c. g. neut. plur.
Indefinite lang langt lange.
Definite lange lange lange.

Note. The definite form of the adjective may be used as a substantive and may then take the possessive ending -s; Ex.: De fattiges Glæder er(e) af en anden Art end de riges the pleasures of the poor are of another kind than those of the rich.

Note 2. A remnant of an old accusative singular m is found in poetical language: paa Höienloftssal in the high vaulted hall; i dyben Dal in the deep valley.

174. The following adjectives do not add any t in the neuter:

1) Adjectives ending in a distinctly derivative sk: Ex.: krigersk warlike, Norsk Norwegian. But rask quick, falsk false, frisk and fersk fresh add t: et raskt Löb a quick run.

2) Adjectives ending in a vowel; except aa: et sanddru Menneske a truthful person; et stille Vand a quiet lake; et öde Sted a desolate place. But el blaat Baand a blue ribbon. Exceptions are further: ny new, fri free, N. stö steady; neut. nyt, frit, stöt.

3) Adjectives ending in -t; Ex.: let easy; and some adjectives ending in -d: glad joyful, lad lazy, led loathsome, kaad wanton, ræd frightened, lærd learned, fremmed strange and foreign words such as absurd, nitid, solid, splendid.

4) Furthermore those ending in -es or -s with preceding consonant: fœlles common, afsides out of the way; and nymodens newfangled, stakkels poor, gjœngs current.

Note. With adjectives ending in -ig or -lig a t is added in neuter in writing, but neither g nor t is pronounced; see §§ (D.) 43 and (N.) 125.

175. A long vowel with or without a following d (Danish pron. ð, Norw. mute or pron. t) is shortened before the t of