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"As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
1 COR. XV, 22.

IN his appeal, Mr. Voysey tells us that his aim is to "meet and correct the prevailing error as to our wide and almost hopeless separation from God; to meet and correct the false and mischievous theories which make it seem that God is not the Father of men, and that we are not His dear children." This aim is a high one, well worthy of the efforts of the brightest intellects of earth, and of the hearts touched by the warm love of heaven.

In pursuing this object, Mr. Voysey vigorously assails the popularly received doctrines concerning some of the most important articles of the Christian Faith, concerning the Fall, Original Sin, the Atonement, the Eternity of Hell, and the Divinity of Jesus Christ. He argues with all the earnestness pertaining to sincere minds against views that He believes tend to the degradation of the divine character, striving to present God in a more loveable light than that in a