Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/16

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[ 8 ] Madivala Machaya's restoring Bdsava, and Kinnaraya to life. Klnnaraya died, and his soul united with the Lingam, worn round his neck. This circumstance being reported to ' Bdsava, he immediately went to the deceased, and lamented as follows: How can I live without you, you are my heart, my soul, most excellent among the Jangams, how can 1 stay behind you, we all came to the earth together, and it is not proper for you to depart before me : who will protect me now you are gone. So on his account he died, himself, and was united "with the spirit of the Lingam. The J an gam as who were with Bdsava, then went to Madivala Muchaya and informed him of the death of Kinn ardya, on which he^ repaired to the spot, and thus addressed the corpse of Bdsava— you. are the creator of the souls oT the Jangamas, their preserver and destroyer s you have associated with them, and aided them; rise, rise; you have offered up your body to keep your promise, and as a mark of friendship and affection, but is it proper to keep your faith to Kinnaraya, and break it to the Jangams. They will die on your account. How can they exist after you are dead — you should have restored his life, not died yourself. Siva will be ill pleas- ed by such an act. Siva has taken the life of Kinnaraya into his essence, but why should you have, unnecessarily perished. Why do you ignorantly resign your life, when Siva has been pleased to take him away ; as you have promised Kinnar aya that you would accompany him, you have done so, but now you must fulfil your pledge to the Jangamas: you are their life and must revive for them. To Kinnaraya, he observed— Is it well for you to relinquish 'your life, before you have accomplished the objects enjoined by Siva, and at the same time take away the existence of Ba+ sava : is it decorous for you to have departed without the know- ledge of the Siva — Ganas : your souls cannot unite with each