Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/23

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[ 15 ] 11th of Phalguna, Bas ava vniM be united with Sangamestvara, and his wife Nildmbika with the Litigant she wears, as will others of the discip]e3 with their respective Lingams. After- wards Vijala Ray a, will appoint Ckenna Basava his minister— Jagaddeva, Bomana and Malaya . will murder the Ray a and Mddivala Machaya defeat his army, and take his son prisoner. Then Ndgaldmbikd (the mother of Chenna Basava) will re- quest her son to liberate the youth, and raise him to his father's principality. — He will reign for sixty years and the Jains and Mohammedans will prevail — Chenna Basava will then send Madivalaya to the village of Hippdllha and will then be ab* sorbed into his Guru, Linganarya. The disciples of Siva to the number of thirty six thousand will eat and sport in his abode, and will then all disappear." XI. — Yama Basava Kalajnydna. a paper.— b. Palm leaves A prophetic account of the situation of the Dekhin after the coming of the Mohammedans and the destruction of Anagundi or Vijayanagar, com- prising an account of the establishment of the Jan~ gama religion by Basava at Kah/dnpur. The following may convey some notion of the prophetic style of this and similar works. Rudra muni said, "Evil days will occur, the spires of the Temples will fall — Jupiter shall enter into the mansion of the moon. — The moon shall appear to the people as divided — Kirita Rama Raja will lose his kingdom— The trees will fall — The sky be overcast and the Earth will shake— A famine will happen, and grain be scarce in the city of Kalydna, for about six months. Afterwards Vira Vasanta will be born in the year Ananda on the first of Kdrtika on Friday, about the middle of