Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/258

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€11 - 17. (Tamul.) Genealogical account of Mulur Kams Kotia Mannakottachen Zemindar of Jyrnad. 18. (TamuL) Account of the holy Temple at Talley* embalam in the Jyrnad district. 19. (TamulJ Legendary account of the Temple at Muduvarra Ambalam in dilto. 20. (TamulJ Account of the Temple of Ay en Tollti in ditto. 2 1 . (TamulJ Account of the Cocoa Nut and Betel Nut Gardens at Andekatumuri village 2 (TamulJ Account of the Atteyemmar and Valley a Mod aid lar casts in the Travenkur and Kochi districts. 23. (TamuL) Account of the Pulayer Yatu Vulleyan* gap Mar casts in the TreshwaPur district in Malay dlam* 24. (TamuL) Account of Kunjekrishna Manaiana^ Prime minister of the Kochi Rajah. 25. (TamulJ List of the custom Houses of the Kochi district. 26. (Tamnl.J trict in ditto. Revenue account of the Kodangalur dis< 27. (TamulJ List of the goods that are selling at KoU lettu Kambole City. 28. (TamulJ %ochi district. 29. (Tamul.J 30. (Yamulj Kochi district. Account of the Revenue Lands of the List of the Temples in the Kochi district List of the charitable Choultries in the XI. 1. (Tamul) Account of the holy Temple of Jan* drdana Swami at Varkara Kshetram in the Travenkur dis* trict. 2. (Tamul). Account of the five Celebrated Temples at Kolatupalli and other places situated on the range of the Hills in the Travenkur district. 3: (TamuL) Account of the Temple of Viranangavti Sasta at Parungaiam in the Travenkur district.