Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/28

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C 20 ] Asurs, and wore their skulls as a string, he was entitled 2V7- sanka Ganesa y when Siva affectionately treated the deities he was called Sankara Ganeswar, when Siva slew Jalandhara he was called Vichitra Ganeswar a, when Siva killed Pitasur, he was called Mutdpi Ganeswar, when Siva killed Tdldsur he was called Tdlaganeswar. After the destruction of the world he was called Janana mar ana Ganeswar, when the world be* came yoid he was called Adi Ganeswar, when Siva married Pdrvati he was called Kdlalochana Ganeswar, when Siva killed Andhakasur he was called Kilalochana, when Siva destroyed Tripura he was called, Skanda Ganeswar, when he beheaded Brahma, he was called Nilakantha, in this Kali age he is called Sangana Bdsawana. When Bdsava moved his body in sport the world shook, and the deities and giants were terrified, he was entitled Nandima* hdkdla, and Banda Ganeswar when he stood before the third eye of Bdsava that the world might not bedestroyed. At the time of the celebration of the marriage of Pdrvati, he was entitled Kd~ la lochana, when Siva slew Andhakasur a he was entitled Nila~ lohita^ when Siva reduced the three regions he was called Skanda, when Siva beheaded Brahma he was called Nilakan- tha, when he united his spirit with the Ling am he was called Vrhhabhay when he was incarnate in the different eighteen ages he was called Nandikeswar, in this present age Kali, he is call- ed Kudali Sangana Bdsawana. Prabhudeva having heard this speech was highly pleased with his accurate memory, and pros- trated himself before him, and declared that Bdsawana was be- fore all things. Then Channa Bdsava said, Basava is the first of all who assumed the Linga, and as the Linga was borne by Bdsavana } so do his disciples the J an gam as bear it.