Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/284

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Manuscript Translations, Reports, Sfca. in volumes. I. 1. The^ Vamsaveli or Genealogical account of the Dynasties of the Chola, the Chera and the Pandya Kings* 2. Ditto or Genealogical suc<$ssion of the Chera Kings. 3. An account of the Pandya Rajas. 4. Notice of the CAeraJiajas. 5. Of the Limits and situation of the three Tamul Kingdoms of Chola, &c. 6- Account of the ancient Hindu Rajas. 7. The Purca Varti or ancient History of the Chola Rajas. 8. The Cheriti or actions of the Valuta Rajas of Tanjore, TrichinapaUi and Madura. 9. Account of the Origin and First Establishment of the City of Maduia. JO. The Madura Puranam 24th Chapter. 11. Translation of the 50th Chapter of the Madura Purdnam. 12. The Genealogy of the Pandya Rajas from the Madura Puranam. IS. Account of the Sankattar or College of" Sixty-four learned men at Madura. 14- Account of the Chola Princes, written in the Mahratta language.