Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/302

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cxlvi XVllL 1. Introductory Memoir, on the use and advantage of inscriptions and sculptured Monuments. 2. Catalogue of ancient inscriptions and grants col- lected in different parts of Mysore, Kanara &c. from J804tol807. 3. Ditto Sdsariams and Virakal collected from stones at Kalla Malgonda in the Sanur country. 4. Mahratta Sanads preserved in the eastern district of Bala Ghat, Kalar, Oskotta &c. 5. Mahomedan Sanads and grants collected in different parts of Mysore Bednore and Kanara. 6 List of ancient inscriptions from Virakal and Mdstakal Monuments. 7. List of funeral Monuments and infcriptions in memory of the Jain Gurus ox Pontiffs, and other Person- ages on the Hili of Srdvana Bdlagola a celebrated Jain establishment. 8. List of fac simile Copies of ancient inscriptions and grants, from stone buildings, collected from June J804 to February 1807. 9. View of the Seal and King attached to an ancient grant on copper plates preserved in the hands of the firahmans of the Gaujdra Agrahdram. 10. Register of Sdsanams and original grants on stone or copper, collected in the Southern provinces. 11. Register of Sasanams and inscriptions chiefly in the Dr&vida or Tamul language and character, collected at Kane hi. 12. Register of inscriptions in the Konga Desam in the districts of Karur and Kangyam &c. Collected by Nital Naina. XIX. 1. Fac Simile of copper plates, in the hands of the Brahmans of Goujada Agraharam. 2. Translation of an ancient inscription on copper plates.