Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/304

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teluii 26. Translation of an inscription at Kalasa in the K&pt district of Bednore. 27. Translation of inscriptions on several stones set up at the Pagoda of Kalasa. 28. Inscription on a stone pillar set up in the inclosure of the Pagoda of Kotlala Mutur. 29. Translation of a grant engraved on copper plates, in the Devandgari character. SO. Ditto of an inscription. 31. Ditto of a grant of one of the Kalinga Kings. 32 The grant of Ganapati Deoa Raja an ancient King of WarangaL 33. Translation of a Sasanam in the Sanscrit Lan* guage. 34. Ditto of an inscription at the Pagoda of Amareswer near the Krishna in Gantur. 35. Remarks on Kondavid. 36. List of Sanads in Kanara, Mahratta, Sfca. 37. Translation of a Mahratta Sanad granted bj Shahoji Raja. 38. Ditto of a Kanara Sanad. 39. Ditto of a Mahratta Sanad of Yekoji Raja. 40. Ditto ditto in the Ramagalur district. 41. Ditto ditto Kanara inscription. 42. Ditto ditto copper plate belonging to the Dergah of Lota Shah at Bangalore. XX. 1. Distinctions among the Hindus. 2. Religion of the Hindus. 3. The names of Iswer and Vishnu, and their Wires., 4. Trades of the Hindus. 6. Pauranic Sjstem of the Universe. 6. Ditto ditto. 7. Account of Iswer and Vishnu.