Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/325

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clxix 9ti Of the northern Circars from a Political Survey of the Dekhin. 4. Revolutions and Historical events. 5* Government Ditto. 6. Revenue Ditto. 7. Revenue Ellore Circar. 8. Ditto Rajamundry Circar. 9. Ditto ChikbkoU Circar. 10. Documents -which authenticate the preceding statements. 1 1. Hypothetical calculation of rent on general prin- ciples. 12. Proportions according to the Bega Deftar. 13. Relative Power. XLVIII. 1. Petition of Appeal of the Raja of Cherikal in the Malabar Province named Ravi Varmah Raja from the adjustment of the Suder Adalet Court of Madras respect- ing the landed Property, to the Governor General in Council of Fort William. 2. Memorandum of the Kurg Rajah. 3. List of the remarkable animals found in the Kurg Forest. 4. Report on the Commerce of Malabar from the 1 Collector of Malabar. 5. Elevation of a Mantapam (or stone hall.) XLIX.

1. A letter of S. Lushington, Collector, to William Petrie, Esq. President and Members of the Board of Revenue. 2. Report of Mr. S. Lushington to the Revenue Board, respecting the Marvar cast. 3. Report of Mr. S. Lushington, to the Revenue Board, respecting the History of the Marvars. 4. Ditto of Mr. Thomas Munro, to the Revenue Board. x