Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/330

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4 m «* clxxiv 9. The Diary and Consultations of Mr. Thomas Pitt. from the beginning of January 1702-3 to December, 1703, 10. List of persons in the Service of the Right Hon'ble English East India Company, and places on the Coast of Coromandell. LVIII. 1. Levels of the Observatory Madras. 2. Geographical Survey 3. Marine Surveys. 4. Supplement to the Report on the Port of Coringa Appendix, No. 1. 5. Estimate of the Expence attending the layingdown Mooring Anchors on the Flat in the Coringa Bay, North entrance of the Coringa river. 6. Mariue Survey Department, in Capt. Warren's time

  • 7. Translation of a Petition from the Merchant

Shipowners of Ingeram and Nulapilli y and several letters to the Marine Surveyor's Department. 8. Marine Survey. 9. Appendix, No. 2. L1X. 1. Some Enquiries into and account of the state of the Annacathy, May 1777. 2. Observations regarding the water works, by I J, Thompson late Superintendant. 3. Preliminary remarks. 4. On the various Modes of watering land in India. 5. Appendix. 6. Another Appendix. 7. A Statement shewing the number of villages with their principal trades and employments on the banks of the Caverji/y the depth and velocity of the water, and oc- casional remarks. 8. , A General letter of M. A. Beatson, Major Com- maudant of Guides to Edward Saunders/ President and Members of the Board of Revenue.