Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/38

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[30 ] downfall of the Vijayanagar kings is foretold and

  • the conquest of Anagundi and Srirangapatam : in-

terspersed with legendary anecdotes relating to Bd- sava, Chenna Bdsava, Yamma Bdsava, Siddhara- may a, Viravasanta^xvA other worthies of the Jan* gama sect. The joint composition is of considera- ble extent, occupying above 200 pages. XXX — Vidydranya Kdlajndna. Paper. A prophetic account of the foundation of the city of Vijayanagar in the Sal. year 1258, or A. D. 1335, and of the succession of its princes, attributed to Vidydranya or Madhava Swdmi the minister of Harihara and Bukka the first princes of Vijaya- nagar. The work is accompanied by a commen- tary by Krishna B karat a, and by some other speci- mens of prophetic foresight, ascribed to Siva Yogi and the Padma Purdna, giving an account of the Kadamba dynasty of kings, and other princes. XXXI. — Ndgaya Cheritra. .Paper. . Account of a celebrated Jangama priest who left his country to avoid the addresses of the Rani, who w&« enamoured of him. He went to Sringeri, where he tied a Linga to his foot, with which he returned to Vijayanagar. Prpurha Rtya ordered it to be taken oft, on which Nagaya died, but revived on its* being replaced. The Rdya then gives him jewels