Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/419

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< The' Raja Laving died with the sin of having killed a Fowl of Meal, attached to him, was reborn as a Pariarat Vindhanagar and his mother as a Bitch in the Kaxad besanv and after their death, having passed their souls into different births as Porcupine, Sheep, Snake, Crocodile, and haviner died often, they were at last born as Fowls at the house of a Pariarat Vujeni-patnam, who some time afterwards presented the Fowls to the Raja who then delU vered them to the care of Chendakarma.

  • While it was so on a certain day, the Raja and his

Queen, went to the woods on an hunting excursion: seeing Muniswar there the Raja requested hitn to tell liirc% what had passed and what was to happen ; mean time the[ said Fowls having prostrated to the Muniswar stood be- fore him with their wings closed ; then Yasomati took a, Sword called Sapta Bhadi and cut off the fowl's heads, on which they immediately entered the womb of a certain Queen : after which a boy named Abhaya Ruchi and a girl named Abhaya Matti y were born. In our infancy wd w ent to Sudhatdchari and learning all his particular cir- cumstances, we obtained the rules of a Bramhachdri and came with Sudhatdchari acccompanied by his Five- hundred disciples to your Raja Mahapuri Palnam. Toi Jay Sudhatdchari having ordered us to goto town to take our victuals, and return immediately, and accordingly when we were on our way, your Taliaree came, seized .upon, and brought us to your majesty ; as we killed a j?owl made of flour, we have been born in so many dif- ferent shapes and have undergone all this trouble. M&* ridatta Mdha-raja. hearing this circumstance, Was seiz- ed with fear and postponed the sacrifice, meantime Chen* damari having appeared in her original form prostrat- ed herself to tbem and ordered her disciples not to kilt •any fowls or other animals hereafter, but to offer the five kinds of food, from that time the Jainas do not kill any animals: the particulars of this are stated in the Kyjiat

  • cf Raja Manor Guddu

► 8th. and 9th. — Proceeding by way of Nachar Guddu I arrived at Kumbhakonam^ collecting some Coins there* of from the Shroffs.