Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/45

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Local History and Biography. ^r I. — Kumdra Rama Cheritra. a. paper— b. do. — c. do.— d. palm leafes — e. do.— f. do.— g. do* h. ditto. Account of Kumdra Rama, the son of Kampila Raya of Hosa durga near Vijayanagar. By 2Van- ganda Kavi. The name and chief circumstances appear to be connected with the capture of Kam- puld in the Carnatic, bv Mohammed the third, in J 338, as related by Ferishta — Kampula is probably Komply on the Tamhudra near ancient Vijayana- gar. The work is apparently that to which Major Wilkes alludes as a life of Kampula Raja in the Mackenzie collection. (South of India, vol. 1. p. 1 1 ; note,) and as he seems to attach to it more im- portance than it deserves, the following; summary of its contents may be of service.

  • ' Singeri N6yak a zemindar in the woody part of Karndta,

having been obliged to quit his home, in consequence of the increasing numbers of his family, repaired to the court of Ra~ ma Hay a the Raja of Devagiri and was entertained by him in h s service. He afterwards found a treasure, and obtaining a grant of ground erected a dwelling on the spot. After a while,