Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/55

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■C « 3 VII. — Maisur Sdsana prati. Pa'm leaves- A list of the inscriptions found in Mysur. VIII.— Chola Sanhati. Paper. A short account of Chola de&a, the attachment of Vira Chola to the Saiva religion and his defeat by the Pandy a Raja. By Linga. IX. — Madagiri Nay aka Ckeritra. Paper. An account of , Madagiri Ndyak, Palligar of Chitteldrug and his descendants; with some notice of Sankara achirya. X. — Bdlaji Arasu Vamsdvali. Palm leaves. Account of Bdsavappa Nayak, PaUigar of Ba+ laji a town near Bednur, and of his descent from Venkatapati Raya one of the last princes of the Vijayanagar kingdom. By Terumalayehgar. XI. — Kaladi Arasu Purvottaram. Palm leaves. An account of the district of Kaladi or Bednur, and of the native Ndyaks, and Vijayanagar and Mysore Princes to whom it was subject, with a list