Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts.djvu/257

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Historical and Traditionary Records.

I. — Kataka Rdjd Vans&valL

Palm leaves— Nandindgari Character. A genealoj^ical account of the princes of Cutlack, beginning with Yudhishthira and other princes/ supposed to have ruled overall India: the account is a modern and meagre list^ being compiled in the year of the Kali age 4920, or seven years ago : tho compiler's name does not appear.

II. — Chaitanya Charanimrita. Palm leaves^>i-NaDdinagari Character. The life oiChaitanya, the founder of the Gosains of Bengal, who worship Krishna as Jaganndth, chiefly, together with his mistress Rddhd, Chaila* nya was born in A. D. 1484, and after an ascetic life spent principally in the worship of Jagannath, at the celebrated shrine in Orissa, he disappeared, it is said miraculously, about A. D. 15S7. According