Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/223

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led to changes which had an important influence on the fortunes of the Society. A committee, appointed to investigate the conduct of Joseph Surman, both in respect of his dealings with the Society and his execution of the office of conductor, having unanimously reported adversely to him, he was removed from his office Feb. 15, 1848. [Surman.] Pending a regular appointment the remaining concerts of the season were conducted by the leader of the band, George Perry. Mr. (now Sir Michael) Costa was elected conductor, Sept. 22, 1848. Very beneficial results followed this appointment: both band and chorus were strengthened and improved, and the number of performers was augmented to nearly 700. The performances of the season consisted principally of more effective renderings of the stock pieces, but Mendelssohn's music for 'Athalie' was introduced with great success. In 1850 nothing new was given but Mendelssohn's 'Lauda Sion' in an English dress. 1851 was chiefly remarkable for the number of concerts given—31; 'Messiah,' 'Elijah,' and the 'Creation' having been performed alternately, one in each week, from May to September for the gratification of visitors to the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park. Later in the year Haydn's 'Seasons' was introduced for the first time. In 1852 Spohr's 'Calvary' and the fragments of Mendelssohn's 'Christus' were introduced. In 1853 some changes took place in the officers of the Society, R. K. Bowley becoming treasurer, and W. H. Husk succeeding him as librarian: Mozart's 'Requiem' was first brought forward this year. 1854 was distintinguished by two performances of Beethoven's Mass in D. Griesbach's 'Daniel' was also brought forward, and the Society undertook the performance of the music at the opening of the Crystal Palace on May 10. In 1856 Costa's 'Eli' was performed for the first time in London with marked success. In 1857 Rossini's 'Stabat Mater' was introduced, and the Society undertook the musical arrangements for the first Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace. [See Handel Festival.] In 1862 Beethoven's 'Mount of Olives' was given with its proper libretto. Costa's 'Naaman' was introduced to a London audience in 1865. In 1867 Benedict's 'Legend of St. Cecilia ' was given for the first time in London. In 1870 Beethoven's Mass in D was again performed. The Society sustained the loss, by death, of three of its principal officers, J. N. Harrison, president, R. K. Bowley, treasurer, and T. Brewer, secretary and, for a few weeks, president. They were replaced by D. Hill, president, W. H. Withall, treasurer, and J. F. Puttick, secretary. In 1873 the last-named died, and E. H. Mannering was appointed in his stead. Bach's St. Matthew 'Passion' was given for the first time. In 1874 Dr. Crotch's 'Palestine' was introduced, and Macfarren's 'St. John the Baptist' given for the first time in London. Mozart's Litany in B♭, in an English dress, was introduced in 1877. In 1878 Rossini's 'Moses in Egypt' was restored to its original position as an oratorio. Nothing new was brought forward in the season of 1879–80, which ended on April 30, 1880, with 'Israel in Egypt.' Owing to a change in the proprietorship of Exeter Hall the Society had to quit that building, and the concerts of the season 1880–81 were given in St. James's Hall, the number of performers being reduced, on account of the limited space of the orchestra, to about 300. The first concert was on Dec. 3. Sullivan's 'Martyr of Antioch' (first time in London) and Cherubini's Requiem in C minor were brought out during the season.

The Society's library, in the 44 years which have elapsed since its formation, has become the largest collection of music and musical literature ever gathered together by a musical body in England. Space does not allow here of even a brief list of its principal contents, and the reader is therefore referred to the last edition of its printed catalogue, issued in 1872. [See also Musical Libraries, vol. ii. p. 420a.] The Society also possesses some interesting original portraits, statuary, and autograph letters. It is in constitution an essentially amateur body, none but amateurs being eligible for membership, and the governing committee being chosen by and from the members. Every member is required to take some part in the orchestra, and a strict examination as to his qualification for so doing is made prior to his admission. The most eminent professors are engaged as principal vocalists and instrumentalists, the rest of the band and the whole of the chorus being amateurs. The members are comparatively few in number, the majority of the amateurs being assistants, who give their gratuitous services, but pay no subscription. The subscription of members, originally £1, is now £2 2s. 0d. per annum. Subscribers to the concerts pay £3 3s. 0d., £2 12s. 6d., or £2 2s. 0d. per annum, according to the position of their seats.

[App. p.778 "Add that the original society was dissolved in 1882, its last concert being a performance of 'Solomon' on April 28 of that year. At the sale of its property its valuable library was acquired for the Royal College of Music. Some members of the committee determined to resuscitate the society, and the new institution was incorporated in 1882. Mr. Charles Hallé was appointed conductor, and in 1885 was succeeded by Mr. W. H. Cummings, who had, up to that time, acted as assistant conductor. In the autumn of 1888 the new society ceased to exist."]

[ W. H. H. ]

SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY, The Benevolent Fund of the, was instituted March 14, 1855, for the aid of necessitous persons who had at any time been connected with the Sacred Harmonic Society. It differs from a benefit society in the fact that relief is not restricted to subscribers to the Fund, and that none are entitled to the receipt of stated sums upon the happening of stated events. Each applicant's case is considered on its merits, and either a temporary grant or a small continuous pension awarded as circumstances may require. The management of the Fund is entrusted to an independent committee, chosen by the Governors of the Fund from the members of the Sacred Harmonic Society. An annual subscription of 10s. 6d. constitutes a Governor, and a donation of £5 5s. at one time a Life Governor. The claims upon the Fund have been so numerous and urgent that it has been impossible to increase its capital to the desired extent.

[ W. H. H. ]

SAGGIO DI CONTRAPPUNTO (Pattern of Counterpoint). A very important work, published, at Bologna, in 1774–5, by the Padre Giambattista Martini, in two large 4to volumes, dedicated to Cardinal Vincenzo Malvezzi, and