Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/239

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que basta para pegar fuego aun á las personas muy honestas' ('amongst other inventions there has appeared during late years a dance and song, so lascivious in its words, so ugly in its movements, that it is enough to inflame even very modest people'). This reputation was not confined to Spain, for Marini in his poem 'L'Adone' (1623) says:

Chiama questo suo gioco empio e profano
Saravauda, e Ciaccona, il nuova Ispano.[1]

Padre Mariana, who believed in its Spanish origin, says that its invention was one of the disgraces of the nation, and other authors attribute its invention directly to the devil. The dance was attacked by Cervantes and Guevara, and defended by Lope de Vega, but it seems to have been so bad that at the end of the reign of Philip II. it was for a time suppressed. It was soon however revived in a purer form, and was introduced at the French court in 1588, where Richelieu, wearing green velvet knee-breeches, with bells on his feet, and castanets in his hands, danced it in a ballet before Anne of Austria.

In England the Saraband was soon transformed into an ordinary country-dance. The first edition of Playford's 'Dancing Master' (1651) has two examples, one, to be danced 'long wayes for as many as will' (i.e. as 'Sir Roger de Coverley' is now danced), and the other, 'Adson's Saraband,' to be danced 'longwayes for six.' It was at about this time that the Saraband, together with other dances, found its way into the Suite, of which it formed the slow movement, placed before the concluding Gigue. In this form it is remarkable for its strongly accentuated and majestic rhythm, generally as follows:—

\relative c'' { \override Score.Clef #'stencil = ##f \time 3/2 c2 c2. c4 | c2 c2. c4 | s }

It is written either in the major or the minor key, in 3–2 or 3–4 time, although Walther (Lexicon, 1732) says that it may be also written in 2–4 time. It usually consists of two 8- or 12-bar divisions, begins on the down-beat, and ends on the second or third beat. Bach, in the 'Clavierübung' Pt. I. (Bachges. iii. 76) has a Saraband beginning on the up-beat, and Handel (Suite XI) has one with variations. Those by Corelli do not conform to the established rules, but are little more than Sicilianas played slowly.

The following Saraband for the guitar is printed in Fuertes' 'Historia de la Musica Española.'

\new Staff << \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
\new Voice \relative e'' { \time 3/4 \key a \minor \stemUp \repeat volta 2 {
  e4 e <d gis, b,> | <c a c,>4. <b d,>8 <a c,>4 | <c f> q <c e> |
  dis4. e8 e4 | <gis b,> q <a f> | <fis d>4. fis8 <g d>4 |
  e4. e8 fis4 | dis4. e8 <e b g>4 } \repeat volta 2 {
  b b c | cis4. d8 d4 | b4 c4. d8 | d4. c8 c4 |
  r8*3/2 e16 d8. cis16 d4 | r8*3/2 d16 c8. b16 c4 ^~ |
  c4. s16 c16 d8. a16 | gis4. a8 a4 | r8*3/2 e'16 d8. cis16 d4 |
  r8*3/2 d16 c8. b16 << { c4 ^~ c } \\ { a8 g! fis8. e8*1/2 } >>
  r8*3/2 c'16 b8. a16 | gis4. a8 a4 } } 
\new Voice \relative a { \stemDown
  <a a' c>2 s4 s2. | a'4 a g | <a f>2 <gis e>4 | e2 c4 | d2 b4 |
  <c c'>2 <a a'>4 <b b'>2 e,4 |
  e'2 a,4 | a'2 d,4 | g8 f e4 f | g2 a8 b | c2 b8. a16 |
  gis2 a8. g8*1/2 | fis8. e16 dis2 | e a,8. b16 | c2 b8. a16 |
  gis2 a4 _~ | a dis2 | e a,4 } >>

[App. p.780 "add a dot to each quaver rest; and make the last G♮ quaver in line 1, and the E quaver in line 3, semiquavers."]

Handel's noble air 'Lascia ch'io pianga,' in 'Rinaldo,' is taken with no material alteration from a Saraband in his earlier opera of 'Almira,' in which the majestic rhythm mentioned reigns in all its dignity:—

\relative a' { \key f \major \time 3/2 \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
  a2 a r4 a | bes2 bes r4 a | g2 c r4 bes | a2 a r | d2 d e4 f8 g |
  c,2 c r4 f | a, g a2 g4 f | f2 f\fermata r }

See Chrysander's Handel i. 121.

[ W. B. S. ]

SARASATE, Martin Meliton, [App. p.780 "his full name is Pablo Martin Meliton Sarasate y Navascues"] born at Pampeluna, March 10, 1844, came to France as a child, and entered the Paris Conservatoire, Jan. 1, 1856. The following year he became the favourite pupil of Alard, and gained the first prizes for solfeggio and violin. He then entered Reber's harmony class, and secured a premier accessit in 1859, but shortly after relinquished the study of composition for the more tempting career of a concert player. His beautiful tone, retentive memory, immense execution, and certainty of finger, added to the singularity of his manners and appearance, ensured his success in Paris, the French provinces, and the Peninsula. The Spaniards naturally honoured an artist whom they looked upon as their own countryman, but Sarasate aspired to make his name known wherever music was appreciated, as well as in the two countries especially his own by birth and adoption. No violinist has travelled more than he; besides making his way through Europe, from the remotest corner of Portugal to Norway, and from London to Moscow, he has visited America, North and South. In all his wanderings he has contrived to carry on his cultivation, and develope his great natural gifts. To London his first visit was in 1874, when he played at the Philharmonic Concert, May 18, and at the Musical Union, June 9, etc. He returned in 1877 (Crystal Palace, Oct. 13), and 78 (Philharmonic, Mar. 28), since when he has not crossed the channel. [App. p.780 "In 1885 and 1886 he gave sets of orchestral concerts, conducted by Mr. Cusins, in St. James's Hall, and at the Birmingham Festival of 1885 played a violin concerto written for him by Mr. Mackenzie."]

Sarasate's distinguishing characteristics are not so much fire, force, and passion, though of these he has an ample store, as purity of style, charm, flexibility, and extraordinary facility. He sings on his instrument with taste and expression, and without that exaggeration or affectation of sentiment which disfigures the playing of many violinists. He is not, however, quite free from a

  1. 'New Spain' is Castile.