Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/719

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Op. 81. 3 Grand Sonatas. PF.; A, G, E♭.[1] | Grand Sonata. PF. and Violin obbligato B♭.

Op. 82. Grand Martial Sonata, PF.; D.[2] | Grand Fantasia with var., PF.; D.

Op. 83. Grand Sonata, PF., with Violin; E min. | 2 Sonatas. PF.; C, F.

Op. 84. Grand Sonata, PF., with acc. for Violin or Fluto; G. | 3 Sonatas. PF.; B, G, E♭.

Op. 85. Grand Sonata, PF.; C. | Grand Sonata, PF.; D.

Op. 86. 6 Sonatinas, PF.

Op. 87. Grand Sonata, PF. with Violin; B♭.

Op. 88. Grand Martial Sonata, PF.; D.[3]

Op. 89. Grand Sonata. PF. and Flute; G.

Op. 90. Fantasia en forme de Scène, PF.; F min. | Fantasia en forme de Scène, PF.; G.

Op. 91. Sonata. PF.; G.

Op. 92–100.[4]

Op. 101. Grand Fantasia ('L'Incendie de Moscou'), PF.

Op. 102. Etrennes aux Dames (Favourite Russian Dance with var.), PF.; G.

Op. 103–109.

Op. 110. Fantasia (Battle of Neerwinde), PF. (1792).


1. Vocal and Orchestral.

Six Operas—'Roméo et Juliette,' in 3 acts; produced at Théâtre Feydeau Sept. 10, 1793. | 'Albert and Adelaide,' in 3 acts, an English opera, not wholly original, produced at Covent Garden Dec. 11, 1798. | 'La Princesse de Babylone,' in 3 acts. | 'Cendrillon,' in 3 acts. | 'Sargines,' in 3 acts. | 'Le Jugement de Midas,' unfinished, but apparently performed.

Five Ballets—'Le Retour de Zéphire' (Paris Opera, March 8, 1802). | 'Le Jugement du berger Paris' (King's Theatre. London, May 24, 1804).[5] | 'La belle Laitière, ou Blanche, Reine de Castile' (King's Theatre. Jan. 28, 1805). | 'La Fête de l'Empereur' (St. Petersburg, 1809). | 'Der blöde Ritter' (St. Petersburg, before 1812); and an Intermezzo, 'La Fête de Mars' (Paris Opera, March 4, 1806).

Vocal Music.—The 20 Songs of Estelle, with acc. for PF. or Harp.[6] | 30 Songs, with acc. for PF. or Harp, in 5 vols., each of 6 songs.

Music for Orchestra.—Ouverture en Symphonie (1796). | Waltzes for Orch. | Grand Concerto for Harp, with Orch. acc. | Pot-pourri, arranged as Concerto, with acc. for Orch. | 8 Concertos for PF. and Orch., viz.—

No. 1. In C (1796).
2. In E min., with acc. for Violin or Full Orch. ad lib. (1796?).
3. In E ('The Storm'). Op. 33 or 35 (1798–9).
4. In E♭.
5. In E♭ ('à la chasse'). Op. 64 (1802).
6. In G min. ('Le Voyage au Mont St. Bernard') (about 1816).
7. In E mln. (Grand Military Concerto, 'dans le Genre des Grecs,' with 2 Orchestras) (before 1817).
8. In E♭ (with Bacchanalian Rondo, ace. by Chorus). (Produced at St. Petersburg March 16, 1820, and played by Mr. Neate at the London Philharmonic Concert of March 25. 1822.)

2. Pianoforte.

I. Fantasias. Of these there are some 30, part with variations, besides those which have opus-numbers. Amongst them may be mentioned:—

4 Military Fantasias (the 4th called 'La Fête de Napoleon'), F, E, C, E♭. | Grand Military Fantasia, G. | First Fantasia (on an air from the 'Mystères d'Isis'—the Zauberflöte). | Second Fantasia (on an air from the 'Dansomanie').[7] | Third Fantasia (on an air from the 'Mystères d'Isis.') | Fourth Fantasia (on an air from the same). | Fifth Fantasia (on an air from the same). | Sixth Fantasia (on the Waltz from 'Don Giovanni'). | Fantasia with 9 var. on 'La Nouvelle Zoë,' A.[8] | Grand Fantasia with 7 var. on 'La Jeanne,' D.[9] | Fantasia with 9 var. on a Russian Waltz, A min. | Fantasia with 8 var. on Cavatina from 'Tancredi,' B♭. | Fantasia with 5 var. on 'Le Clair de la Lune,' B♭. | Fantasia with 5 var. on a theme from 'Virtuosi ambulanti,' C.[10] | Fantasia (consisting of the airs 'Richard, o mon roi and 'Charmante Gabrielle') with 8 var. on 'Vive Henri IV,' D. | Fantasia with 8 var. on Rondo d'Aline[11] and an air from 'Maris Garçons,' C. | Fantasia with 10 var. on 'Nel cor piu,' B♭ min. | Fantasia on the air 'Le point du Jour.' | Fantasia on the air 'Firmin et son chien.' | Fantasia on the Polonaise 'La placida campagna' and other airs sung by Mme. Catalani. | Fantasia, 'L'Orage sur mer,' on the Venetian Barcarole 'La Biondina en Gondoletta' and other airs sung by Mme. Catalanl.[12] | Fantasia en forme de Scene, with var. (ded. to Mme. Narischkin), F min.[13] | Fantasia on an air of Mme. Narischkin. | Fantasia en forme de Scène, with 8 var. on 2 Russian airs, D min. | Fantasia with 6 var., F. | Fantasia (ded. to Prince Lobkowitz), G. | Fantasia on an air from the 'Mysteres d'Isis' (ded. to Mme. Moreau), B♭. I Fantasia with var. on the air 'L'on revient toujours' from 'Joconde,' E.[14]

II. Rondos. Amongst the vast quantity of these the following may be particularised:—

15 Rondos in 5 Books: Bk. 1. C, A, E♭; Bk. 2, D, E♭, F; Bk. 3, D, C, A; Bk. 4, G, C, A; Bk. 5, F. A mln., D. | La Bouquet, A. | Turkish Rondo (with Violin ad lib.). C. | Neapolitan Rondo, F. | Cosack Rondo (with Violin ad lib.), D. | 2 Scotch Rondos (with Violin ad lib.). | 2 Pastoral Rondos, E, E♭. | Le Berger et son Troupeau, B♭. | Départ de Paris pour Petersbourg, B♭. | Les Adieux de Bayard à sa Dame, E. Tink-a-tlnk (from the duet in 'Blue Beard'). G.[15] | Bird duet from 'The Cabinet,' D.[16] | Polacca from 'The Cabinet.' | Castanet song in 'The Caravan,' B♭.[17] | Favourite Polonaise sung by Mrs. Billington arr. as a Rondo. | 3 Favourite Rondos (with Flute). | Rondo on a Swiss Theme, B♭.

III. Airs with Variations. Of these there are a very great number. Amongst the chief may be distinguished:—

10 Sets of Variations (pub. about 1808), No. 1. Air favori de 'Léonce' (cp. op. 66), D. No. 2. Air du ballet 'Les Noces de Gamache.' No. 3. Polonaise de Viotti, E♭. No. 4. Théme de Haydn. No. 5. Andante with var. No. 6. Air du petit Commissionaire. No. 7. Théme de Haydn. No. 8. Théme de Mozart ('Alles fühlt'). No. 9. Andantino ('Un jour de cet Automne') with var. No. 10. Air by Mozart ('Bel Männern'). | L'Himne des Marseillois with var. | 'Lullaby' (by Storace) with var. | Monostatos (Zauberflöte) with var. | Papageno (Zauberflöte) with var. | Var. on a Russian Theme (with Violin ad lib.). | Romance and Pastorale from 'Nina'[18] with 8 var. | Variations on a Song ('A peine au sortir') by Méhul. | Two Russian Airs ('Schöne Minka' and 'Kleine Zigeunerin') with var., D min., D. | Polonaise de Viotti with var., B♭. | Pastorale and 7 var. (with Violin ad lib.). | Russian Air with var. (with Violin ad lib.). | Air ('And does a fond emotion') from 'The Cherokee'[19] with var. | Air Montagnard de Viotti with 8 var., C.

IV. Pot-pourris. Of these there is a series of 20. The keys of the first 7 are F, A, A, E♭, D, D, E♭, and of the 19th, E♭. Nos. 1–16 were published in Paris between 1791 and 1798, and the remainder shortly after. Besides the piece already mentioned under Orchestral works, a Caprice-Pot-pourri with var. on an air from 'Alceste' may be mentioned.

V. Programme Music. As samples of this class may be mentioned:—

Grande Marche de Bonaparte en Italle (with Tambourine acc.), 1796(?). | Grande Bataille de Gemappe (with var. on Marseilles), 1796. | Defaite des Espagnols par l'armée Française (Military Sonata), 1797. | Britannia, or Admiral Duncan's Victory, 1797. | St. Paul's Procession, 1798. | La Journée d'Ulm (also arranged for Wind Instruments), 1806. | The Public Christening of the Neva, 1806. | See also opp. 36, 101, and 110.

3. Miscellaneous.

I. Amongst the higher class of music that falls under this head may be noticed:—

Méthode de PF. contenant les principes necessaires pour bien toucher de cet Instrument, des gamines dans tous les tons, des exercices pour les doubles cadences, 12 petltes leçons, 6 sonates d'une difficulté graduelle, et des grands exercices, le tout doigté, et enfin une instruction sur la manières de se servir des pedales. 1805. | 12 Sonatas, PF. (4 hands) the first 6 in F, G, G, C, B♭, F. | 6 Sonatas for Harp. | 3 Duets, PF. and Harp. | 6 Duets or Sonatas, 2 PF.s. or PF. and Harp. | 6 Sonatas for Harp, with acc. for Violin and Cello. | 6 Sonates periodiques (one with Violin or Flute ad lib.), PF. | 3 Preludes, PF. | 12 Sonatinas in 2 Books—Bk. 1. C, B♭, G, D, E♭. A; Bk. 2. C, G, F, D, B♭, E♭. PF. | 3 Sonatas (for beginners), PF. | Sonata for Harp with Violin ad lib. | Elégie (on the death of Marshal Prince Soltykoff). PF., D min., 1816. | 2 Airs by Braham ('The beautiful maid' and 'Never think of meeting sorrow') in Reeve's opera 'The Cabinet' arranged as a Sonata, PF., B♭. | La Chasse, Sonata, PF., with Violin ad lib. D. | Sonata, PF., with Violin, C min. | Overture and Rondo, PF. | Overture and Polonaise, PF.

II. The following are among the chief of his lighter works:—

12 Bacchanals, PF. (with Tambourine ad lib.). | 2 Books of Serenades, PF. | 12 Capriccios, PF. | Turkish March, PF. | Marche de Peterhof, 1811, PF. Triumphal March on the entry of Alex. I. and Fred. Will. III. into Paris, 1814, PF. | Le Retour de Cavalerie Russe à St. Petersbourg le 14 Oct. 1814, piéce milltaire. PF. | Le Départ, Impromptu, PF.; C. | Caprice on 'Non più andrai,' PF., 1816. | 6 Nouvelles Walzes a trois mains (the 6th Waltz is a parody of the finale of the 'Vestale'), PF. | Polonaise, PF.; D. | Turkish Rondo for Harp, with Violin and Tambourine ad lib. | Air ('Enfant chéri') with var., PF. and Harp. | Favourite Rondo for Guitar and Flute or Violin; D.

In the third book of 'Pandean Music' for the PF., published by N. Corri of Edinburgh, the first number is 'Air from Blaise et Babet by Steibelt,' but no single item of information about 'Blaise et Babet' is forthcoming, except that it does not seem to have been a piece brought out in London.

[ J. H. M. ]

  1. Also published as op. 76.
  2. Also published as op. 88.
  3. Also published as op. 82.
  4. At this point, about the date of Steibelt's arrival in Russia, almost all record of his works disappears.
  5. The original score of this work came into the possession of Moscheles, and was sold by him on leaving London in 1847.
  6. Some authorities declare that Steibelt only wrote 5 of this set of 20 songs.
  7. The 'Dansomanie' was a ballet, set by Méhul in 1800 and by Rossi before 1806.
  8. 'La Nouvelle Zoë' was an opera dance.
  9. 'La Jeanne' was a dance air.
  10. 'I Virtuosi ambulanti' was an opera by Fioravanti, 1807.
  11. Apparently from Berton's opera 'Aline,' 1803.
  12. This Fantasia has nothing to do with the 3rd PF. Concerto.
  13. This may be op. 90.
  14. This was a posthumous work. 'Joconde' was an opera by Isouard, 1814.
  15. An opera by Kelly, 1798.
  16. An opera by Mazzinghi, Reeve, and Braham, 1801.
  17. An opera by Reeve, 1803.
  18. An opera by Paisiello.
  19. An opera by Storace, 1794.