Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/214

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May 1827, since when several similar performances have been heard from time to time. Most of these companies of peasant musicians come from the Ziller Thal, where the peculiar forms of Tyrolean music may still be heard better than anywhere else. The best-known example of an artificial 'Tyrolienne' is the well-known 'Chœur Tyrolien' in Act iii. of Rossini's 'Guillaume Tell,' the first strain of which is given below. For examples of the genuine Ländler we must refer the reader to Ritter v. Spaun's 'Oesterreichischen Volksweisen' (Vienna, 1845), M. V. Suss's 'Salzburger Volkslieder' (Salzburg. 1865), or Von Kobell's 'Schnadahüpfeln' (Munich, 1845).

{ \relative d' { \key g \major \time 3/4 \autoBeamOff \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \partial 8*5
 r8 r d g a | b4. g8 b c | d4 ~ d8^([ e b e] | %end line 1
 d[ c a fis a e'] | d[ b g]) d g a |
 b4. g8 b c | d4 ~ d8^([ e b e] | %end line 2
 d[ c a d, fis a] | g4) r r_"etc." }
\addlyrics { Toi que l'oi -- seau ne sui -- vrait pas __ sur nos ac -- cords ré -- gle tes pas __ } }

A characteristic feature of the original form of Ländler as sung in Austrian and Bavarian Tyrol is the Jodel. This term is applied to the abrupt but not inharmonious changes from the chest voice to the falsetto, which are such a well-known feature in the performances of Tyrolese singers. The practice is not easy to acquire, unless the voice has been accustomed to it from early youth: it also requires a powerful organ and considerable compass. Jodels form an impromptu adornment to the simple country melodies sung by the peasants; they are also used as ritornels or refrains at the end of each verse of the song. They are not sung to words, but merely vocalised, although passages resembling them in form are of frequent occurrence in Tyrolean melodies. Examples of these will be found below in a dance song from von Spaun's collection. Moscheles (Tyrolese Melodies, 1827) tried to note down some of the Jodels sung by the Rainer family, but the result was neither accurate nor successful.

{ \relative f' { \time 3/4 \key f \major \partial 4 \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \autoBeamOff
 f4 | e8[ f] g[ a] bes[ c] | d4 c8[ f] a,4 | c bes8[ d] g,4 | %eol1
 d' c8[ f] a,4 | e8[ f] g[ a] bes[ c] | d4 c8[ f] a,4 | %end line 2
 c bes8[ g'] g,[ e'] | f4 r r }
\addlyrics { I bin á jungs Bür -- scherl, Und han á frisch's Bluát, Und so wie's beim Tanz gein -- nen, So dráht al mein Huát. } }

[ W. B. S. ]

THOMASSCHULE. Since the notice under Leipsic, vol. ii. p. 114b, was compiled, the following changes are to be mentioned. In 1877 the school was removed from its old building in the Thomaskirchhof to a new one near the Plagwitzerstrasse in the western suburb of Leipsic. In 1879 Wilhelm Rust succeeded to the post of Cantor, which he still holds. A minute account of the history of the school and of its condition in the time of Kuhnau and Bach will be found in Spitta's 'Bach,' vol. ii., especially pp. 11–35 and 483–494: compare the documents printed in Anhang B, I–IX and XI.

[ R. L. P. ]

TUDWAY. [See ante, p. 186a.] 'A collection[1] of the most celebrated Services and Anthems used in the Church of England from the Reformation to the Restauration of K. Charles II., composed by the best masters and collected by Thomas Tudway, D.M., Musick Professor in the University of Cambridge.' In 6 volumes 4to (1715–1720). Copied for Lord Harley. (British Museum, Harleian MSS. 7337–7342.)


Tallis. Whole Service, D minor with B♮ (Benedictus).
Anthem, I call and cry. à 5.
Do. Wipe away my sins. à 5.
Do. With all our hearts, à 5.
Do. O Lord give Thy Holy, à 4.
Bird. Whole Service, D minor with B♮ (Benedictus).
Anthem. Sing joyfully, à 6.
Do. O Lord turu Thy wrath. à 5.
Do. Bow thine ear. à 5.
Anthem. O Lord make, à 5.
Do. Save me, God. à 5.
Do. Prevent us, O Lord, à 4.
Tallis. Anthem, Discomfit them. à 5.
Tye. Even. Serv., G minor, 1545.
Bull. Anthem, 2 trebles. Almighty God, 1592. (Organ pt.)
Morley. Even. Serv., D min. à 5.
Barcroft. Morning Service, G minor, 1532 (Benedictus).
Stonard. Evening Service in C. à 5, 1558.
Amner. Whole Service, D min. à 4 (Benedictus).
Anthem, Christ rising again, à 4.
Mundy. Do. O Lord I bow. à 5.
O. Gibbons. Service, 1635 (Benedictus).
Anthem, O Lord, Increase, à 4.
Do. Why art thou so heavy. à 4.
Do. Behold Thou hast made. à 1.
H. Molle. Ev. Serv. Dm. with B♮.
Portman. Whole Service, G (Benedictus).
H. Molle. Evening Service, F.
Patrick. Whole Service, G minor (Benedictus).
Farrant. Whole Service, called 'Farrant's High,' A minor (Benedictus).
Morley. Funeral Anthem, I am the resurrection.
Do. Man that is born.
Do. I heard a voice.
Giles. Anthem, O give thanks, à 5.
Tomkins. Do. Almighty God. à 5.
Hooper. Do. Behold this is Christ, à 5.
Batten. Do. Hear my prayer, à 4.
Loosemore. Put me not to rebuke, à 4.
Lawes [W.]. Anthem, The Lord is my light, à 4.
Canon, Non nobis, Morley, (Byrd).
Do. I am so weary, à 3 (Ford).
Do. O that men would, à 3.
Do. Haste thee, O Lord, à 3. (Ramsey.)
Do. Music Divine, à 3.
Do. She weepeth sore, à 4.
Do. miserere. à 3.


Child. Whole Service, D. à 4. (Jubilate.)
Anthem, Sing we merrily, à 8.
Do. O Lord God. à 5.
Do. O praise the Lord, à 6.
Whole Service, F. (Jubilate and Cantate.)
Evening Service, A.
Do. C minor (given in D).
Humphrey. Even. Serv., E min. Verse.
Anthem, Thou art my king, à 4.
Do. Haste Thee, O God. à 4.
Do. O Lord my God. à 4.
Do. Like as the hart, à 3.
Do. By the waters, à 3.
Do. O give thanks, à 4.
Do. Have mercy, à 3.
Farrant. Kyrie and Credo from High Service.
Child. Whole Service. E minor. Verse (Jubilate).
Anthem, Praise the Lord, à 4.
Do. O Lord grant the King. à 6.
Evening Service in G. à 4.
Humphrey. Anthem, O praise the Lord. à 3.
Funeral Anthem, Lord teach us. à 3.
Do. O be joyful, à 3. Orch.
Do. The King shall rejoice. à 4. Orch.
Do. Hear, O heavens, à 3.
Rogers. Whole Serv., in D (Jub.).
Loosemore. Whole Service, in D minor, à 4, 5, 6.
Wise. Whole Serv., D min. (Jub.).
Anthem, Awake, put on. à 3.
Do. The ways of Zion. à 2.
Holder. Evening Service, C.
Anthem, Thou O God.
Creyghton. Whole Serv., C (Jub.).
Anthem, I will arise.
Aldrich. Anthem (from Latin), We have heard, à 4.
Do. (do.) Why art thou so. à 4.
Do. (do.) My heart is fixed, à 4.
Do. (do.) The eye of the Lord. à 4.

  1. N.B. For an alphabetical list of them, under composers, see Oliphant's Catalogue of MS. Music in the B. M. p. 31, etc.