Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/551

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Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
31 Three Sonatas, Clav. or PF. (G, D minor, E♭). Nos. 1 and 2, 1802. Nos. 1 and 2 in 'Repertoire des Clavecinistes'; No. 5, Nägeli, Zürich, early in 1803. Then (with B.'s corrections) 'Deux Sonates ... op. 31 ... Edition trés correcte,' N. Simrock, Bonn: and then as 'Deux Senates pour le Clavecin ou Pianoforte,' Cappi, Vienna. No. 3 in Nägeli's 'Repertoire.' No. 11, 1804. In 1805 as 'Trois Sonates p. Clavecin ou Pianoforte ... œuvre 29, Cappi, Vienna.
32 Song, 'An die Hoffnung,' Tiedge's 'Urania' {E♭). . . . . . . Kunst und Industrie Comptoir Vienna, ann. Sept. 18, 1805.
33 Seven Bagatelles, PF. (E♭, C, F, A, C, D, F minor). 1782–1802.—Aut. J. Kafka, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, ann. May 28, 1803.
34 Six Variations on an original theme, PF. (F). Close of 1802. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1803. Princess Odeschalcht. née. Keglevics.
35 [15] Variations with a fugue, on theme from Prometheus, PF. (E♭). 1802.—Aut. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1803. Count M. Lichnowsky.
36 Symphony No. 2, Orch. (D). Close of 1802. First performance, April 5, 1803. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Mar. 1804 (Parts) Score. Prince Carl Lichnowsky.
37 Grand Concerto, PF. and Orch. (C minor). 1800.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Nov. 1804.
38 Trio, PF. Clar. V. or C. (E♭), arranged by author from Septet, Op. 20. 1802.—Aut. of V. part. Simrock. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie Vienna, Jan. 1803. Prof. J. A. Schmidt, with Preface
39 Two Preludes, through all 12 major keys, PF. or Organ. 1789.—Revised copy. Artaria in Vienna. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, close of 1803.
40 Romance, V. and Orch. (G.) 1803 Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1803.
41 Serenade PF. F. or V. (D) from the Serenade, Op. 25; revised by composer. . . . . . . Hoffmeister & Kühnel, 1803.
42 Notturno, PF. Va. (D), arranged from the Serenade, Op. 8. . . . . . . Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1804.
43 The men of Prometheus Ballet, Nos. 116. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, June 1801 (PF. arrangement only).
44 Fourteen Variations, PF. V. C. (E♭). 1792 or 1793. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1804.
45 Three Grand Marches, PF. 4 hands (C, E♭, D). . . . . . . Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Mar. 1804. Princess Esterhazy, née Liechtenstein.
46 Adelaide, by Matthisson, Cantata, for Soprano with PF. (B♭). 1795(?). Artaria, Vienna, Feb. 1797. Matthisson.
47 Sonata ['Kreutzer'], PF. V. (A). 'Per il Pianoforte ed un Violino obligato, scritta in uno stilo molto concertante quasi come d'un Concerto.' Mar. 17, 1803. N. Simrock, Bonn, 1805. R. Kreutzer.
48 Six Songs by Gellert, for Soprano:—Bitten; Die Liebe des Nächsten; Vom Tode; Die Ehre Gottes; Gottes Macht; Busslied. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, 1803. Count Browne.
49 Two Easy Sonatas, PF. (G minor, G major). Not later than 1802. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, ann. Jan. 19, 1805.
50 Romance, V. and Orch. (F). Aut. F. Amerling, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, May 1805.
51 Two Rondos, PF. (C, G). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna. No. 1, 1797. No. 2, Sept. 1802. Countess Henrietta von Lichnowsky.
52 Eight Songs:—Urian's Reise (Claudius); Feuerfarb (Mereau); Das Liedchen v. d. Ruhe (Ueltzen); �Mailied (Goethe); Molly's Abschied (Bürger); Die Liebe (Lessing); Marmotte (Goethe); Das Blmchen Wunderhold (Bürger). Mostly very early. Kunst und Industrie Comptoir, Vienna. June 1805.
53 Grand Sonata ['Waldstein '], PF. (C). See No. 170. 1804.—Aut. J. Kafka, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, May 1805. Count von Waldstein.
54 ['LIst'] Sonata, PF. (F). . . . . . . Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie Vienna Ap. 1806.
55 Sinfonia erolca, No. 3 (E♭). Aug. 1804.—Revised copy. J. Dessauer, Vienna. Contor delle Arti e d'Industria, Vienna, in Parts. Score. Prince von Lobkowitz.
56 Grand Concerto [Triple], PF. V. C. and Orch. (C). 1804. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna ann. July 1, 1807. Prince von Lobkowitz.
57 ['LIVth'] Sonata, PF. (F minor), so-called 'Appassionata.' 1804. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, ann. Feb. 18. 1807. Count Francis v. Brunswick.
58 Fourth Concerto, PF. and Orch. (G). 1805. Kunst und Industrie Comptoir, Vienna, Aug. 1808. Archduke Rudolph of Austria.
59 Three Quartets ['Rasoumoffsky'], V. V. Va. C. (F, E minor, C). (7th, 8th, & 9th.) Before Feb. 1807.—Aut. No. 1. Mendelssohns, Berlin. 'Begun May 26, 1806.' Aut. No.3. Thielenlus, Charlottenburg. No date. Schreyvogel & Co. Pesth, Jan. 1808. Count von Rasoumoffsky.
60 Fourth Symphony (B♭). 1806. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Pesth and Vienna. Mar. 1809. Count Oppersdorf.
61 Concerto. V. and Orch. (D). 1806. First played Dec. 23, 1806.—Aut. Imperial Library, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna and Pesth, Mar. 1809. Stephan von Breuning.
Concerto, PF. and Orch., arranged by author from his First Concerto for Violin (D). April 1807. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna and Pesth, Aug. 1808. Madame von Breuning.
62 Overture to Coriolan. April 1807.—Aut. Herr Paterno, Vienna. Bureau des Arts, et d'Industrie, Vienna. Jan. 1808. M. [H. J.] de Collin.
63 Scena ed Aria. 'Ah, perfido!' Sopr. and Orch. Prague, 1796. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1805. Countess von Clary.
64 Twelve Variations on 'Ein Mädchen' (Zauberflöte), PF. C. (F). . . . . . . J. Traeg, Vienna, Sept. 1798.
67 Symphony, No. 5 (C minor). Begun 1805; first played Dec. 22, 1808.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Ap. 1809. Prince von Lobkowitz and Count Rasoumoffsky.