Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/674

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The more elaborate forms, used for the Introits, at High Mass, will be found in the Graduals printed within the last fifteen years, at Ratisbon, and Mechlin.

[ W. S. R. ]

GRELL, Edouard August, born Nov. 6, 1800, the son of the organist of the Parochialkirche in Berlin, received his musical education from his father, J. C. Kaufmann, Ritschl, and finally from Zelter, on whose recommendation he received the appointment of organist of the Nicolaikirche at the age of 16. In 1817 he entered the Singakademie, with which institution he was connected in one way or another for nearly sixty years. In 1832 he became its vice-director, under Rungenhagen, after whose death he was in 1853 appointed director, a post which he held until 1876. In 1841 he was made a member of the musical section of the Royal Academy of Arts, with which institution he was connected until 1881. In 1858 he received the title of professor, and in 1864 the order pour le mérite. He died Aug. 10, 1886. Although his scholastic functions absorbed so large a proportion of his time, he yet found opportunity for the composition of many works of large extent and of the most elaborate structure. He was one of the most learned contrapuntists of his day in Germany, and his works show him to have been not only an ingenious theorist, but a richly gifted artist. His opus magnum is a mass in 16 parts a capella, besides which he produced psalms in 8 and 11 parts, a Te Deum, motets, cantatas, an oratorio entitled 'Die Israëliten in der Wüste,' and many songs and duets.

[ M. ]

GRESHAM MUSICAL PROFESSORSHIP. Line 16 from end of article, add date of Theodore Aylward's appointment, 1771.

GRÉTRY, A. E. M. P. 628a, l. 16, for Le Vendemmiante read La Vendemiatrice. L. 43 of same column, for duet read quartet. Add that a complete edition of Grétry's works has recently been undertaken by the firm of Breitkopf & Härtel. Seven volumes have already appeared (1887).

GRIEG, Edvard. The following additions are to be made to the catalogue of his works:—

21. 4 Songs.
22. 'Sigurd Jorsalfar.' PF. 4 hands.
23. 'Peer Gynt,' Incidental music. PF. 4 hands.
24. Ballade. PF. solo.
25. 5 Songs.
26. 4 Songs.
27. Quartet for Strings in G minor.
28. Albumblatter. PF. solo.
29. Improvisata on 2 Norwegian Songs. PF. solo.
30. Album for male chorus.
31. 'Landkennung.' Male chorus.
32. 'Der Bergentrückte.' Baritone and Orchestra.
33. 12 Songs.
34. 2 Melodies for stringed orchestra.
35. Norwegian dances. PF. 2 or 4 hands.
36. Sonata for PF. and Violoncello.
37. Walzer-Capricen. PF. 2 or 4 hands.
38. Neue lyrische Stückchen. PF. solo.
39. 5 Songs.
40. 'Aus Holberg's Zeit.' PF. Suite.
41. PF. transcriptions of his own songs.
43. 'Lyrische Stückchen.' Book 3, PF. solo.
44. [App. p.819 "6 songs"]
45. 3rd Sonata in C minor for PF. and Violin.
46. [App. p.819 "'Peer Gynt' music arranged for orchestra"]

All the songs, with the exception of op. 2 and 10, are included in the five volumes of Peters' 'Grieg-Album.'

Add that the composer visited London in 1888, playing his A minor Concerto and conducting his op. 34, at the Philharmonic Concert of May 3; He and Mme. Grieg gave a recital on the 16th of the month. [App. p.819 adds "he and Madame Grieg came to England again early in 1889, appearing at the Philharmonic, the Popular Concerts, and elsewhere."]

[ M. ]

GRIMM, J. O. Line 3 of article, for Saxony read Livonia.

GRISI, Giulia. Line 7 of article, add date of death of her sister Giuditta, May i, 1840. P. 633b, last line but one, for Nov. 25, read Nov. 29. (Corrected on authority of Mendel and Paloschi. Pougin and Riemann agree with the text.)

GROUND BASS. P. 634b, add to title, It. Basso ostinato. Also among the citations add See an example of a ground bass of four minims only, accompanying a canon 7 in 1, by Bach, in Spitta's Life, iii. 404.

GRUND, Friedrich Wilhelm, born at Hamburg Oct. 7, 1791, at first studied the violoncello and pianoforte with the intention of becoming a public performer on both instruments, but after a few successful appearances in his 17th year, his right hand became crippled, and he was obliged to abandon his public career. He now took a keen interest in the musical affairs of his native town, where in 1819 he was instrumental in founding the Singakademie; he remained director until 1862, when he also retired from the direction of the Philharmonische Concerte with which he had been connected since 1828. In 1867 he took an active part with Gradener in the formation of the Hamburger Tonkünstlerverein. He died Nov. 24, 1874. His numerous works include two operas, 'Mathilde' and 'Die Burg Falkenstein,' a cantata 'Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Christi,' an eight-part mass, symphonies, overtures, and much chamber music.

[ M. ]

GRUPPO, GRUPETTO, the Italian names for our Turn, which see. Sebastien de Brossard (Dictionnaire de Musique) says that the turn is called Groppo (or Gruppo) ascendente and Groppo descendente, according as the last note of the group rises or falls. The two examples given under Trill represent the two kinds. [See also vol. iii. p. 598b, note 4.]

[ M. ]

GUDEHUS, Heinrich, born at Celle, near Hanover, the son of a schoolmaster there. He was taught singing, first at Brunswick by Malwina Schnorr von Carolsfeld, widow of the tenor singer, and in 1870 at Berlin by Gustav Engel. On Jan. 7, 1871, he first appeared on the stage at Berlin as Nadori in a revival of 'Jessonda,' and subsequently as Tamino, and was well received, but feeling the necessity of further study, retired for a time and studied under Fräulein Louise Resse of Berlin from 1872 to 1875. In 1875 he re-appeared at Riga, and sang there during the season 1875–76, and afterwards was engaged at Lübeck, Freiburg, Bremen, and in 1880 at Dresden, where he is at present. During these five years Herr Gudehus has played in many operas of Mozart, Weber, Meyerbeer, Wagner, Auber ('Masaniello' and 'Fra Diavolo'), Méhul ('Joseph'), Bellini ('Norma'), Boieldieu ('Dame Blanche'), Verdi, etc. On leave of absence from Dresden he has sung with success at Vienna,