Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/706

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went out of his way to do so, and in a few days breathed his last, at Stratford. The body was embalmed and brought to his native land by his widow; a public funeral took place from his own house in Edinburgh, to the Grange Cemetery. An interesting sketch of his life by his daughter Marjory, has recently been published. It contains also a condensation of three books, previously published, entitled 'Kennedy's Colonial Tour,' 'Kennedy in India,' and 'Kennedy at the Cape.' Much sympathy was felt for him and his family in 1881 when one son and two daughters perished at the burning of the Théâtre des Italiens at Nice. His eldest son, David, died at Natal in 1884. Only a, few years before his death Kennedy was at Milan receiving valuable hints from Lamperti; a true lover of his art, he ever felt the necessity for constant application and study. Mr. Kennedy leaves a successor in his son Robert, who is now successfully giving Scottish entertainments in Australia. A movement is on foot to raise a public monument in Edinburgh to Scotland's three great vocalists, Wilson, Templeton, and Kennedy.

[ W. H. ]

KENT, James. Add that he was chorister of the cathedral from 1711 to 1714, and was appointed organist of the same on Jan. 13, 1737. He died in October, not May, 1776, if his monument at Winchester may be trusted.

KETTERER, Eugène, born at Rouen in 1831, entered the Paris Conservatoire, obtaining a second prize for solfège in 1847, and a premier accessit in 1852, under Marinontel. From that time until his death, which took place during the siege of Paris, Dec. 18, 1870, he appeared constantly as a pianist, and wrote multitudes of brilliant fantasias and drawing-room pieces, which obtained an immense and ephemeral popularity.

[ M. ]

KEY, KEYBOARD. P. 53 b, 1. 39, for the oldest illustration of a chromatic keyboard see Spinet, vol. iii. p. 653a, footnote. Line 46, for the oldest example of a keyboard to a harpsichord or spinet see Spinet, vol. iii. p. 652a, footnote; but Mr. Donaldson's upright spinet from the Correr collection, although undated, is probably, from its structure and decoration, still older. There is a spinet in the loan collection of the Bologna Exhibition (1888) made by Pasi, at Modena, and said to be dated 1490. P. 54a, l. 11, omit the word ivory. P. 55b, add at end of article:—The last new keyboard (1887–8) is the invention of Herr Paul von Jankó of Totis, Hungary. In this keyboard each note has three finger-keys, one lower than the other, attached to a key lever. Six parallel rows of whole tone intervals are thus produced. In the first row the octave is arranged c, d, e, f♯, g♯, a♯, c; in the second row c♯, d♯, f, g, a, b, c♯. The third row repeats the first, the fourth the second, etc. The sharps are distinguished by black bands intended as a concession to those familiar with the old system. The keys are rounded on both sides and the whole keyboard slants. The advantage Herr von Jankó claims for his keyboard is a freer use of the fingers than is possible with the accepted keyboard, as the player has the choice of three double rows of keys. The longer fingers touch the higher and the shorter the lower keys, an arrangement of special importance for the thumb, which, unlike the latest practice in piano technique, takes its natural position always. All scales, major and minor, can be played with the same positions of the fingers; it is only necessary to raise or lower the hand, in a manner analogous to the violinist's 'shifts.' The facilities with which the key of D♭ major favours the pianist are thus equally at command for D or C major, and certain difficulties of transposition are also obviated. But the octave being brought within the stretch of the sixth of the ordinary keyboard, extensions become of easier grasp, and the use of the arpeggio for wide chords is not so often necessary. The imperfection of balance in the key levers of the old keyboard, which the player unconsciously dominates by scale practice, appears in the new keyboard to be increased by the greater relative distances of finger attack. On account of the contracted measure of the keyboard, the key levers are radiated, and present a fanlike appearance. Herr von Jankó's invention was introduced to the English public by Mr. J. C. Ames at the Portman Rooms on June 20, 1888. It has many adherents in Germany. His pamphlet 'Eine neue Claviatur,' Wetzler, Vienna, 1886, with numerous illustrations of fingering, is worthy of the attention of all students in pianoforte technique.

[ A. J. H. ]

KEY-BUGLE. Line 4 of article, add vol. i. to reference.

KEY-NOTE. After reference add in Appendix.

KEYS. P. 56a, l. 8, for [Contrafagotto] read [Double Bassoon].

KIEL, FRIEDRICH. Add date of death, Sept. 14, 1885.

KINDERMANN. See Reicher-Kindermann in Appendix.

KING, M. P. Line 6 from end of article, add date of 'One o'clock, or the Wood Demon,' 1811.

KING'S THEATRE. P. 58b, l. 21, add vol. i. to reference.

KINSKY, Prince. P. 59a, ll. 15 and 45, add vol. i. to references.

KIRCHEN-CANTATEN. P. 60a, l. 15 from bottom, add references to English edition of Spitta's Bach, i. 40, 446, and ii. 348, etc. P. 60b, l. 38, add vol. i. before p. 120. For continuation of the list of cantatas see Bach-Gesellschaft in Appendix, vol. iv. p. 529. Since that article was in type, the number of cantatas has been increased to 170, by the publication in 1887 of the 33rd volume (due 1883), which contains the following:—

161. Komm du süsse Todesstunde.

162. Ach, ich sehe.
163. Nur Jedem das Seine.
164. Ihr, die ihr euch.
165. O heil'ge Geist-u. Wasserbad.
166. Wo gehest du hin.
167. Ihr Menschen, rühmet
168. Thue Rechnung!
169. Gott soll allein.

170. Vernüg te Ruh'.