Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/160

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146 ST. CAPPA judge and his gods ; and was pnt to horrible tortnres, under which she oeased not to thank God. Her wounds were miraculously healed, and she came un- scorched out of a furnace into which she was cast. At length she was beheaded, the day after St. Gapitolina. B,M. Men. Basil AA.SS. St. Cappa, Feb. 2, M. with Castula (12) and many others, at Borne, supposed under Diocletian. AA.SS,i Mart, St. Jerome, St. Captiva, Nino. • St. Carecha, Feb. 9. fSTS. Abbess of a nunnery in Gal way or Bosoommon. She was of the illustrious house of the princes of Orgiel. Sister of St. Fanghsa, also of Enna, or Enda, founder and abbot of a monastery at Arran-of-the-Saints, in the bay of Gkilway, where St. Brendan of Olonfert spent three days with him before setting sail on his famous yoyage in search of the Earthly Paradise. This Enna was the son of Caial of Glogher, and grandson of Damen, and his mother is said to have been Dairine, a sister of Song Aengus. Lanigan. St. Careme, Cabissima. St. Caria. (See Acrabonia and ASKAMA.) St. Carica, Calbicia. Caricia, Calbicia. St. Cariesse, Chabiessa. St. Carina, Casina. St. Carinia, March 6, M. at Nicopo- lis. Gu6rin. St. Caris, Chabis. St. Carisia (l), or Chabisia, March 1, M. Gu^rin. St. Carisia (2), Calbicia. St. Carissa, June 19, V. M. One of the companions of St. Ubsula. Trans- lated from Cologne to Yiconia, in Hain- ault, June 19, 1157. AA.SS,, Prseter, St. Carissima,.or CHARissiMAjSept. 7, Oct. 11, V. 6 th or 7 th century. Called in French Chb^me, or CabAme. Honoured in the diocese of Albi. According to local legend, she was of noble birth, persecuted by her parents to marry Hugolino of Chateau Vieux. Having a vow to the contrary, she fled and con- cealed herself in a wood for three years, her hiding-place being known only to her nurse, who brought hor bread. She raised the nurse's child from the dead, and, fearing the miracle would cause her to be discovered, she crossed the Tarn, and, after wandering long in desert places, she met St. Engenius, bishop of Carthage, then an exile. He founded a monastery at Yioux, on the Vere, and seven years afterwards buried her in it. The monastery of Vioux is proved not to have been founded by Eugenius, bishop of Carthage, which casts doubt on the story. Carissima's translation is celebrated at Albi with that of St. Eugene and other martyrs, on Oct. 11. Stilting, in AA,SS, F,M, St. Carita, April 13, M. AA,SS. St. Caritaine, or Chabitana, June 12, M. at Home. Mas Latrie. St. Caritas. ( See Faith, Hope, and Chabity.) SS. darmilla and Caesaria, or Casabius, March 23. Mentioned in the account of SS. Paul and Julian, MM., but it is unknown whether they are the names of persons or of places. Paul and Julian are supposed to have suffered under the Vandals, but no particulars are known. AA,SS,, Prseter, St. Carmundica, Sept. lO or 12 (Bona (1), Mundicobda), V. Eecluse in Egypt AA.SS,, Prseter. B. Carola, one of the nine sisters of St. Bainfbede. St. Carpia, May 27, M. in Africa. AA,SS. St. Carra, June l, M. with St. Auoeoa. St. Casaira, Jan. 25, V. (See Elviba.) St. Casaria (i), Dec. 8 (Cazabie, Cesabia (4)). f 580. Wife of St. Yalons. They made a vow of virginity on the day of their marriage, distributed their goods to the poor, and led an ascetic life in the place where afterwards stood the Benedictine abbey of St. Andrew of Villeneuve, near Avignon. The clergy and people of Avignon chose Yalens for their bishop. Ho buried Casaria in a little chapel on the hill of Audaon. He died, aged eighty, about 501. P,B, Her head, when placed on that of a sick person, eases pain. F.M. Martin. St. Casaria (2), May lO, V. M. Her worship was ordered in the Frislarian Di- rectory in 1070. Her body was supposed