Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/223

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ST. CUNEBURG 209 his influenoe to have the house sold to the nuns at a very moderate price, and in return obtained the admission of Grescentia into their ranks. When first she entered, some of the inmates looked down upon her, calling her the beggar, and subjecting her to many humiliations, but such was her true worth and the in- fluence of her piety that within a few years she was at the head of the house. Princes and illustrious persons from all parts of Germany, Poland, and other countries came to visit her in her humble cell. Many pilgrims resort to her tomb. She was beatified by Leo XIII. in 1901. Gu6rin, P.B., iv. 297. Her Life by Father Ignatius Toiler, O.S.F. St. Crescentiana, May 5, M. at Rome. B.M. AA.SS, SS. Creticia and Criduana, VV. MM. Conjectured companions of St. Ursula. Greven. AA.SS. Perhaps same as St. Grescentia (5) and St. Tbiduana. St. Crevenna, Gbewbnna, or Gro- WENNA, Oct. 27 and the Sunday nearest to Feb. 1st. 6th or 7th century. Gom- memorated at the church and village of Growan, Gornwall. An Irishwoman, who came to Gornwall with SS.Ia and Brsaoa. AA.S8. Parker. Smith and Wack. St. Criduana. (See Creticia.) St Crischona, or Christiana (5), pil- grim with SS. GuNEGUND (1), Mechtund, and WiBRAND. St. Crisconina, Feb. 24, M. One of a great number of Christians put to death at Nicomedia. No particulars are known, but the Church commemorates them on this day. AA.SS. St. Crispina, Dec. 5. f ^^2 or 304. A delicate lady, accustomed to every luxury of wealth. Of an illustrious family, and the mother of several chil- dren. A native of Thagara, in Procon- sular Africa. She was brought to trial at Thebeste, in Numidia, before Anulinus, proconsul of Africa, in the reign of Dio- cletian and Maximian ; on her refusal to sacrifice to the gods, the proconsul ordered her to have her head shaved, and to be exposed to the derision of the people. He reproached her for want of reverence to the gods. She replied, " If the gods are angry at my words, let them speak." She was then beheaded. SS. Maxima, Donatilla, and Secunda were her friends, and were mar- tyred before her. Butler says that Gris- pina*s Acts, preserved by Mabillon and Euinart, are authentic, though imperfect. She is mentioned repeatedly in the writ- ings of St. Augustine. It is sometimes thought there were two Crispinas mar- tyred with the other three women. B.M, Baillet, Vies. Martyrum Acta. Butler. Smith and Wace. St. Crispinilla, July 27, or Grispus and Spinella, M. at Rome. AA.SS,i sup- plementary volume. Mart. Augustanum. St. Cristina, Christina. St. Croctilde. Clotilda. St. Crona. (See Comgblla.) St. Cronaparva, or Crona Parva, July 7. Perhaps a dwarf who attained to great holiness. If so, she should be patron of dwarfs. Daughter of Diermitu. Honoured with her sister, St. Gomoella (1), St. Findabaria, and two bishops. St. Cronsecha, April 4. Irish. AA.SS., Prseter. St. Crora, Oct. 20, Okora. St. Crotehildis, Clotilda (1). St. Crowenna, Crevenna. St Cruimtheresia. (See Ebgnata.) St. Cuaca, Coca. St. Cuach, or GuACHA (l), Coca. St. Cuacha (2), Goningbnia. St. Cuanna, April 10, V. 'fill. Abbess in Campo-Lacha, in Begione Bregarum, in Eoscommon in Ireland, in the eastern part of the region of Mag- bregh. Probably same as Conna, March 3. Mentioned by Marian Gorman. AA.SS., Prseter. St. Cucag^a, Cobcair. St. Cucca, Coca. St. Cucia, Coca. St. Cudburg, or Cudburh, Cuth- BURGA. St. Cuenburga, Quimbubg. St. Cumania, March 29. Sister of Etunea and Sodelbla., or Fedelmia. Perhaps the same Cumania who is men- tioned in the AA.SS. among the Prseter- missiy May 29, as daughter of Allean in Ard-vladh. Colgan. St. Cumerana, Wilgefobtis. St. Cuneburg, or Cunneburg, Kyne- BUROA.