Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/460

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to every creature" (St. Mark xvi. 15), until at last they left their native town and their possessions, and travelled along the western shore of the Adriatic, accompanied by Justa. They came to Theate and stayed there six months, daring which Justinus constantly preached to the people of the town and neighbourhood. They then went to Fnrconium, where they found crowds of people collected for a great sacrifice to Jupiter. A certain Christian, named Hilarius, lived in a suburb of Furconium, called Offidius (now Bazzano). He was charitable and hospitable, and when he saw the saints near his gate, weary from their journey, he brought them into his house and refreshed them. Next morning, very early, they began to teach the faith of Christ to numbers of people. It was soon told to the heathen priests that Hilarius harboured three men, who despised the gods and taught a new religion, and orders were given that they should be compelled to sacrifice to Jove, or else put to death.

Meantime, a rich and powerful young man, named Aurelius, fell in love with Justa, and tried, first by fair means, to induce her to become his wife; but finding his persuasions vain, he planned to carry her off by force. With this intention, he one day followed her to the fountain where she had gone with two women to draw water. When she saw him, she was frightened, and leaving her pail of water and letting fall her shoes, which she was holding in her hand, into the fountain, she fled to the foot of the hill of Offidius. Some persons who tried to take her thence by force, were struck blind. Aurelius collected a great many people and ordered them to search the hill in every direction; but his trouble was in vain, for all the pursuers of Justa lost the power of speech and of walking, so that they could neither pursue her nor give information concerning her. The mountain opened and received Justa into a cavern, where an angel ministered to her, and at her intercession, restored their faculties to her pursuers and enabled them to return to their homes, giving glory to the God of Justa.

She then returned to Hilarius's house. One of the women, who was with her at the fountain, found her shoe quite dry in the water, and gave it to the people to kiss.

The keepers of the idols now arrived from Rome, accompanied by a band of soldiers, to take the Christians. Justinius and two other priests fled to the Mount Tubenna and lived for a week among the shepherds, whom they converted and baptized; whence the hill was called the Mount of Christ.

Florentius and Felix, steadfastily refusing to worship Jupiter, were condemned to be beheaded, and as they were led to execution, Justa exclaimed, "Alas, holy Father, why do yon leave me behind ? Why am I not allowed to die with you?" Florentius answered, "Wait a little, you are reserved for a greater conflict." The two saints were beheaded, and Justinus came by night and carried their bodies to the Mountain of Christ and buried them. Justa was then put in prison for five days, after which she raised a dead man to life.

Aurelius repented of his wickedness and Justa assured him that he was forgiven. Justa was next thrown into a burning fiery furnace, where she remained for three days, the flames all the time being kept off her by a great wind and blown against any of the heathen who attempted to come near. Seeing this, they shot her with spears and arrows. A great earthquake shook the place within an hour of her death. Many of the heathen were killed, and some were converted.

The Christians buried Justa in the cave of Mount Offidius, where she had taken refuge from the pursuit of Aurelios. Justinus survived to a great age, and died, Dec. 31; but is honoured with his brothers and niece. AA.SS.

St. Justa (4), one of the martyrs of Lyons, who died in prison. (See Blandina.)

SS. Justa (5-1 4), MM. at sundry times and places.

St. Justilla, Aug. 28, M. at Borne. AA.SS.

St. Justina (l), with St. Thkcla (2).

SS. Justina (2) and Henedina, May 14, W. MM in Sardinia, with Justa (1). R.M.