Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/197

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Leo IV. to the Emperor Louis II., who had helped him against the Lombards and whom he anointed Emperor. It was brought to France ; miracles oc- curred at many places along the way. Her body and those of two other mar- tyrs were found at Sora in the time of Gregory, bishop of Terracina, who, in 1G32, compiled her Acts from several MSS. B.M. AA,SS. St. Restituta (3), Feb. 11, V. M. with St. Victobia (2), at Avitina. St. Restituta (4), June 15, widow. M., 311, at Cagliari. Mother of St. Eusebius (Aug. 1), bishop of Yercelli. AA,SS.

St. Rethna, Rathnata, Rathnota or EuTHBNA, V. Aug. 3 or 5, 6th cen- tury, lived on the banks of the Liffey, in Ireland. She had a holy disciple and nursling, St. Golommanus, whom she sent to be ordained bishop by St. Columba at lona. When he returned she said, "My son, my dear daughter is very ill ; come therefore to St. Ita that she may bless you and that she may help your companion." So they harnessed the horse to the car and set off, but the devil threw many obstacles in their way. That day Ita said to her household, " Prepare baths and a feast, for to-day we shall have holy guests from a long way off." When they arrived, she asked for the bishop's blessing, although no one had told her that he was a bishop ; and then before they had time to speak of the woman who was ill, she said to Rethna, "Your daughter who is ill; choose now ; would you have her well in body and let her lose her soul, or would you have her suffering pain and have her soul saved ? " They chose temporal suf- fering and eternal life for her ; and it was so. Then Rethna told Ita that she had a dear friend, a holy virgin, in the south of Ireland, and asked if she would advise her to go and see her. Ita said, ^' No, for she is on her way to see yon and you will meet her between Momonia and Leinster." And so it happened. Colgan calls Eethna*s pupil Columbanus. AA.SS., "St. Itta." Colgan, "St. Itta."

St. Retrude, Epiphania (2).

St Retticula, Aug. IG, V. at Aries. Preferring a religious life to a brilliant marriage, she entered the convent which St. Gesarius had long before founded for his sister. Eetticula became prioress. Her good works and miracles proved her innocence under a cruel persecution. French Mart.

St. Reuma, Ruma.

St. Revocata or Rivocata, Feb 6, M. at Viana in Portugal, with Theo- philus and Saturninus, either in the sixth persecution, under Maximianus, 239, or in the seventh, under Decius, 260. Some calendars have the names Eevocatus and Theophila, and some give Achaia as the place of martyrdom, while others mention different places in Ga- licia and Asturias. R.M. AA.SS.

St. Reyneld, Ernella, Ragnild, Rainild, Reinelde, Reinhild or Reinildis, July 16, 21, Aug. 13, V. M. c. 860. Patron of Conde. Eepresented carrying a pilgrim's staff and a martyr's palm. Daughter of B. Witger, count, and St. Ahalbebga (1). Sister of St. Emebert, bishop of Arras and Cambrai, and SS. GuDULA and Phabaildis. Her father became a monk; her mother, a nun at Maubeuge. Eeyneld went as a pilgrim to the Holy Land, and on her return settled on an estote she had in the neighbourhood of Saintes, near Halle in the Henegau, and there lived a life of charityand self-denial, giving everything she had to the poor. About 680, an inroad of barbarians from East Friesland and Lower Saxony made most of the dwel- lers in the Henegau take to flight ; but Eeyneld shut herself up in the church. When the enemy had burnt and plun- dered all the other houses, they broke into the church and tore the saint from the altar to which she was clinging, and after dragging her about the church by her hair, they cut off her head. A priest of the name of Grimoald and a servant named Gondulph were murdered with her, and the three are venerated as martyrs. AA,SS, Stadler.

St. Rhadegund, Radegund.

St. Rhais (l), Eais, or Hebais, June 28, a catechumen, M. with St. Po- tamkena, at Alexandria, in the reign of Severus (222-235). R.M. AA.SS.

St. Rhais (2), Ibais.