Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/286

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274 ST. TRYPHOSA him to baptize them both. She died next day and was bnried beside St. Hippolytus. The story may be founded on fact but the Acts are spurious. E.itf., Oct. 18 and 28. AAJSS.y Oct. 28. Lightfoot, Hippolytus, St, Tryphosa with Tryphkna (l). St. Tubia, Jan. 2, M. at Sirmium. AA,SS. B, Tudecha or Tudeca, Aug. 24, V. 13th century. First Cistercian abbess at Seefeldt. Finding herself and her nuns too much disturbed by secular persons, they remoyed to Mount Fussium. The community was extremely poor and they had to do the hardest work. B. Anna (17), succeeded her as abbess of Seefeldt. Henriquez, Lilia, AA.SS,^ Prceier, St Tudwen, Oct. 27, V. in North Wales. Bice Bees could find out nothing about her except her name. AA.SS., Prseter. St. Tuella, perhaps Derinella. St. Tuillelaith, Tulelacia. St. Tuja, Tina. St. Tula, Tina. St. Tulelacia, Tuillelaith, or Tuletalla, Jan. 10, abbess of Eildare, + 882. She was very pure minded and good, daughter of Huargalach or Uarghalach. O'Hanlon. Colgan. St. Tuletalia, Tulelacia. St. TuUa, June 2, one of two hundred and twenty-seven Boman martyrs, com- memorated together in the Marttprology of St, Jerome. AA.SS. St. TuUia, Nov. 16, 5th century. Fatron of Ste. Tulle (Basses Alpes). Daughter of SS. Eucherius and Galla (7 ), and sister of St. Consortia. AA,SS. Migne, Die, d'Esthctique ChrUienne, St. Tultella, Tutella. St. Tuniana, May 8, M. at Byzan- tium with St. Acacius. {See Agatha (2).) AA,SS. St. Tunilla, Jonilla. St. Tusca. {See Teutebl^) St. Tuscana of Verona, July 14. Supposed 14th century. Widow and nun. Hospitalarian of St. John of Jerusalem. Bom at Jubeto, seven miles from Verona, of a noble family. She was young and childless at the death of her husband, Albert Canoculi. She at once devoted herself to works of charity, but not finding enongb poor people in her native place, she went to Verona. There she lived on a bill with her parents, and went down every day to the church of the Sepulchre, where she served the poor, dressing their sores, etc. Three wicked young men went to her house when tbey knew she was alone, and got in at the window one by one. Each as he got into the room and saw her there praying, was seized by a devil and strangled. She was in a great fright. She could not hide the corpses and expected to be aocuaed of murdering them. Their parents soon traced them to her house, and vrent to see what had become of them. After a distressing scene, they prevailed on Tuscana to pray for the resuscitation of the three scamps. So they came to life. Then Tuscana entered the Order of St John of Jerusalem, in which she was distinguished by all virtues. A few minutes before her death she made the Eriest and the others who were attending er, promise to bury her in the road before the door of the church of Si John, where men and beasts and carriages should pass over her. Her request was fulfilled, but supernatural lights and other wonders marked the spot, and the bishop of Verona removed her into the church about 1343. AA.SS. Chastehdn. Holyot. Azevedo. St. Tutela, Tbutbla, or Teutilla, May 12. 4th century. Sister of St Chryspolitus, bishop of Vettona or Bictoma, not far from Assisi in Umbria. He converted the inhabitants to Chris- tianity, wrought some miracles amongst them, and was cut in two with a sword. According to Henschenius this occurred in the persecution under Diocletian and Maximian, in the beginning of the fourth century. JacobiUus and Ughelli place his martyrdom in the first centuiy. His sister Tutela and twelve other women came to see his death, and on their refusal to sacrifice to the gods, they were tortured and scourged until some of them expired under the blows ; the others were beheaded. AAJ3S, Stadler. St. Tutella or Tultxlla, Hardh 3, M. with Marti A and others. AA.SS.