Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/331

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LIST OP AUTHORITIES 319 Fabeb (Fbbd. W.X Saints and Servants of God, Continued by the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri. FABBicnjB, Origines Saxonum, Fant et Annbbstbdt, Script, Rerwrn Sueciearum. Ferbabius (Philippus), Catalogus generalis Sanctorum^ qui in Marty rologio Bom, non sunt, etc. Flobenoe of Wobcesteb. Bbavoniub (Flobektius) Wioobniensis^ The Chronide of Florence fif Worcester with two continuaiions, Florez, Espafla Sagrada, FouBBs, Bishop of BBEcnm, Kdlendars of Scottish Saints. Franciscan Calendar in the Qebdibuch fur aUe Katholischen, besonders Frandskatier des dritten Ordens, Fbebeb — Directorium in Chronologos, etc. Scriptores* Oallia Christiana, Golden Legend {Legenda Aurea hy J. Vobagine. Ormco-Slavonian Calendar. See Mabtinov. Guenebault, Didionnaire Iconographique. GuERiN, editor of Ptiits Bollandistes. GuETTE, Histoire de Viglise de France. UAGEy, Qesammtahenteuer, Hammer, Ottomanischen Reich. Habe (A. J. C), Cities of Italy. Uastinqs (J.)i Dictionary of the Bible. He ABME, IT^e Itinerary of John Leland, tltc Antiquary. IIeltot, Histoire des Ordres Monastigues, Hemans (Chables), Monuments in Borne. Henbiquez — FoMiculus Sanctorum Ordinis Cisterdensis, Lilia Cistercii, etc. Uenschenius. See AA.SS. lIiiiL, English Monasteries. IIope (Mbs. Anne), S. Boniface and the Conversion of Germany. H0B8TMANN (Carl), editor of The Lives of Women Saints of our Contrie of England. Ho V EDEN, Annals. HuEBEB (F.), Menologium S. P. Francisci. HuBTER, Sanctorum Martyrum Acta Selecta, HusENBETii, Emblems. Ieileb (Ignatius), Leben dcr seligen . . . Maria Crescentia Hosz, JaCX)BILLI — Bihliotheca Umbrim. Santi delta Famiglia di Letto, Santi di Foligno, Santi delV Unibria. Jameson (Mbs.) — Legends of the Monastic Q^ Sacred and Legendary A^^%if^' C