Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/145

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of fifteen. He was presented the usual Khillat and gifts by the Government at the time of his installation. Soon disputes arose in the household, and his step-mother at the instigation of some evil-advisors questioned the validity of his adoption. She therefore claimed ownership of the Estate on the ground of an agreement said to have been executed by her husband in her favour, and filed case No. 294 of 1808 A.D. She claimed besides in O.S. No. 295 of the same year right of jewels belonging to her and valued at two lakhs. Even his mother Kumara Vengakkama Garu who willingly adopted him to be her son declared the heir illegal on Sastric grounds and wanted the Zamin for herself in Original Suit No. 44 of 1809 A.D. But the District Judge dismissed all these cases declaring the adoption quite legal and the suit for jewels incredible. There was also a dispute with the Government in case No. 13 of 1818 of the District Court of Nellore. The