Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/198

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included in the lakh of rupees noted above, he gave Rs. 30,000 to each of the three sons of his second sister, and Rs. 20,000 to the grand-son of the elder. He also gave financial help of more than three lakhs of rupees to his brother, the late Kumara Raja of Pittapur for his litigation and maintenance.

He spent about ten lakhs of rupees in purchasing several villages formerly belonging to the Kalahasti Estate. He bought four Howdahs of English pattern for use in processions in his town.

A few big suits in Court in which the Samastanam was involved and came out successful are (l) the Thangellamudi Estate Inheritance suit, in virtue of which the said Estate passed into the hands of the Maharajah, (2) Rapur boundary dispute, known as Veligondala case, which fixed the boundary between Venkatagiri and Rapur taluks, (3) the Devadayam and Bramhadayam case alias Inam case which protected the rights of