Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/217

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In 1920 he gave a donation of Rs. 50,000 to the construction of a nice pavilion in the Race-course at Guindy with all necessary arrangements for Zenana ladies.

He visited Madras with family on both occasions of the arrivals of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and the Prince of Wales.

In 1917, close on his Installation, he improved the Palace with Electrc-fittings throughout at a cost of one lakh of rupees. He also made the present magnificent extension to the Palace in the West, at a great cost.

In 1921, the marriage of his eldest son, Sarwagna Kumara Krishna Yachendra, was celebrated with due pomp. The Government Khillat was also received. The Kumara Rajah with his diligence and application takes good interest not only in the affairs of his Estate, but has been the President of the Venkatagiri Taluk Board since 1921.