Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/22

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having ruled for a long time at Velugodu their capital in Kurnool district. This line stands now as the most prominent. The founder of this line is Chevi Reddi, the same as the famous Pillalamarri Bhetala Naidu. He lived during the days of the Emperor Kakati Ganapathi Deva Rai, and was held in high esteem by that Emperor for his valour and military skill. He was also frequently rewarded by him with titles and extensive territory. The present Rajah of Venkatagiri, Lieutenant Sir Rajah V. Govinda Krishna Yachendra Bahadur Varu, K.C.I.E., A.D.C, is the twenty-ninth descendant of this line. Chevi Reddi is also the first member of the lines of modern rulers of Jatprole, Bobbili, Pithapur and Mailavaram, which all branch severally from the same line.

Chevi Reddi had two seats of Government, one at Amanagallu in Nallagonda taluk of the present Nizam's Dominions, where his ancestors lived for a long time, and the second at