Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/222

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Whereas it has been necessary to the preservation of order and good government and to the maintenance of the British authority in the Zemindaris of Venkatagiri, Kalahasti and Bommarajupolliem, that the Rajahs of those places should be respectively restrained from exercising independent power, and should be subjected to the established regulations and laws of the State. Wherefore the Right Honourable Edward Lord Clive, Governor-in-Council of Fort St. George, has been pleased to appoint a British Collector for the purpose of residing in the Zemindaris above-mentioned and of receiving directly from the Zemindars respectively the amount of their Peishcush.

Be it known therefore to the Zemindars aforesaid and to all Talukdars, Polygars, Ryots and others residing within the said Zemindaris, that His Lordship in Council has further