Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/256

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you under the seal and signature of tl^p Governor-in-Council, a Sunnad-I-Milkiat Istimirar fixing the said sum of star pagodas 1,11,058 to be the permanent contribution of your Zemindari under the above heads.

9. I have also transmitted full instructions on this subject to the Collector of Peishcush, who will afford to you such further explanations as may be requisite but in conformity to the motives which have induced me to explain to you at such length the principles of this commutation, I think it necessary to apprize you that my resolution is fixed on the grounds already stated, and that I have accordingly ordered the Collector to carry the arrangement into effect from the commencement of the present fusli.

10. In consequence of that arrangement it will become necessary for you to disband the whole number of military peons now maintained by you, and it is my desire that you immediately proceed to do so. It is not my intention that you should deprive yourself