Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/35

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among the seventy-six Velama commanders of the Emperor. When Orangal was attacked by the Muhammadans, the Emperor sent for his warriors of seventy-seven gothrams and offered special honour of equal seat with him- self and homage by the rest to one who could defeat the enemy. While all others were hesitating, Prasaditya Naidu boldly came forward and sought permission for the challenge. He soon marched against the enemy, drove back his forces and got the promised rewards. He was besides presented with a jewel for the leg, and the title of Kakatirajapujita, that is, adored by the Kakatiya Kings.

Later on when the Emperor died without a son and Rudrama Devi succeeded to the throne with the help of Prasaditya Naidu, several chiefs tried to overthrow the woman- ruler. But Prasaditya Naidu saved the Kingdom from the hands of such rebels by every time defeating their armies and was therefore known as "the Supporter of the Kakatiya