Page:A Forbidden Land - Voyages to the Corea (1880).djvu/20

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CON'1 ENTb CHAPTER 1 Introductory remarks-Beauty knowledge of Corea Dnfli cult] of obtaining relnable information Old wntmge and lourcel 0r|g1n of the name of Corea-Ignorance of the natives Bl to their descent Dllference of FICE!- Bnebold a remarks on this subject Charaetenatlc maria of ddference In race-Stnkmg appearance of the name on cblldren-Conjechnre on the orlgm of the two races Core-an bldltlonl of then' Ullgll. The Legend of Prince lhollull-Present frontiers nf the country Ita geo graphlcal ponhon The Islands Quelpart Kangrrha Ollonto, llaeurd lccount of the latter current ln Corea- The provmcee and their dlvunon The last census lnaccuracy of the same-Actual number ol' populatrou- CH RPTER II Former dependence on Lbma Decay of the Chmeae aupre macy and power-Secret treaty clauses between the two countnes Absolute rule of the kung of Corea Inetltu- twn of Oielll Favountb-Councul of State PPOUIHCIII and dmtnct government admumatratlon Penodlcal appountment of fnnctmnarzee-Theur aupermnon and report!-The 0566 of Wanderlng Inspector and the secret police-Prenoua and present efect of the came Corruption of the admlmatrntzen The old ollhea of Judge of Hnralnty &c Rank and tltlea of military and naval oicera PIG I 33 ` "I . . - T 1 ,_ l llountaim-River!-Towns-The capital city, Baoul _ l ¢¢ ° H __ . __ _ - _ 1. I ' ‘