Page:A Forbidden Land - Voyages to the Corea (1880).djvu/22

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Overthrow of the Song dynasty in China by DBchingia-Icliaii. who ftBceods the throne under the nnme of Taitsou — ile iiivndes Corea — Hia successor Octai — The Mongoliau officials repeatedly killed by the QorenDs, who defeat the Chinese arruiea aent to aubdue tnem^Octai coneludea peace; hia friendly meeting with the king of Corea — Octai's eon Mangou again aasaila Corea; hia euddeu death — Kublai-khan, planniog the conqueat of Japan, makea fricnda with the Coreans, who joio him-Total destruction of the Heet aent againat Japan by tempest, near the iflland of Iki: fearful loss of liTes: only three Mongoliana reported saved — Downfall of the Mongolian rule after the death of Kublai-khan — The Ming dynasty in C'hina^Dynastic at niggles in Coren, which end in the overthrow of the Wang family and the aecesaioD of the Ni, the present dynaaty^^aoul niade the capital — Diviaion of Corea into provinces, &c. — Enjoys peace for n long time — Daiko Fidejosi, Taikoon of Japan— Asks Corea to join him in the conquest of China, and is refused — Lands a large army in Corea and overruns the country — Defeats the Chinese neap Pieng'an — Ostensible peace with Corea— The south retained by the Japanese — Rdfuaes to receive Corean envoys in Nippon — He again invades Corea and conquers it — His sudden death when about to invade Ciiina-Defeat and eJtpuUion of the Japanese after his death—Many of the latter settle peaceably in the south of the peninsula — Final peace concluded some twenty years later— Vain attempts of the Mantchus to subdue Corea— The old treaties confirmed — End of foreign wars — Policy of seclusion henceforth maintained by the Corean Government — Later relations between China and Corea — Exchange of embassies and presents — First introduction of Christianity by native converts — Their great success, and its eauses— Their first persecution-Roman Catholic missionaries enter Corea — Their arrest and eseeution — Their followers — Jlr. Beroeui, head of the uiipsion — He gains much interest at court — The queen favours the Christians— Favourable resolutions to