Page:A Forbidden Land - Voyages to the Corea (1880).djvu/391

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to meddle with animated to more about to atand stall grand tall small broad narrow pau' on y together VOUABULABY mo Hi mlir ljong lull' umtnl hr ku ta u' n tejo ltlll' no pu! no riir tio piir ro an I or, aor air one upon another Joro to umlie duty (cnltoml] n ltnpe a piece to dlp ml-'»0 to Vaal! to dry to wet clear dam, muddy WBT!!! hugh deep ehallow 'Elly light heavy, weighty thick tbm u empty dnturbance tranquulllty othervnae d.1l' ferent of the eamo kllid to duturl: contrary to corner square round mo tlr motlil' hap hir li ln tal ml th, te I liao Ink ten hk mur miir to o te ur mlriir, mir ml lr tllo teill' mirklr mlrlcilr hiru' toiir? four no p ur no p lr nltelr kip ill' Jost iir jott it hpll _gaor mnko or tu t our Jorilr tl lr kltul: hiir Pull' otsul’ otaii roor 0 o tm-lr tanlr tuur lslt lr ohuro tau' turu hu' mo, morong1 tung kur long short coarse ne gran Pew! all the aame eouroe ongm nmllar mid, llelolate hare to sprout to bloom to fall ar near nearly related outwards alowly hasty quick, early ate oeoaezonally ku' km te_|o riir kurkur kilrkiim kanlr, hlnlr k ur h an lltnlr hlnhtar lliin uou Init lr lm ta Ii: muu' p mr apajo ar atom tar? tal! mor luklor, katkaor to mhlr aong kmr to tlar to tihr aplrir, eplrlr niituiir mteur pjonhar moeuantly often teiitsllr rarely permonoua exutenee non existence MPP! unhappy to get to loose to dummall to dmappear dunolve to destro to heap to overshoot to Bow over l'»0 overflow' without limited ol' long durehon long tilmilr hi.; hir an 0 eur, 0 Ir knhu P' hjung hir otur lrhhr arhiir allrl tau' e151 tqan peau' tohlr namlr, namur nom Stall' nomur opal.:- ha tegong hir om- lm' 348 . ¢ || 6 ' ' kq" d' | ' I ° 'lu ' ' l ° l 0 ` " ' half P "" . , f _ ball ' ' "' ° llil' _ . I . ' ., _, _ . I . I cold to 'lr _ uael'ul_ Fill!! . ,., ' . . . .r low _ _ ' "_ °' " 1 |,.g I I I wr ' . . ' _ l' ll '_ L_ " ' _ .- . . k .. ' _