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which amounted almost to insolence. I have kept a copy of one of his letters.

"Gentlemen: I beg to inform you that the ship Amphitrite, of 400 tons burden, will leave with the first fair wind for whatever port of the United States she may be able to reach. The cargo of the vessel, which is consigned to you, consists of 4,000 muskets, 80 barrels of gun- powder, 8,000 pairs of boots, 3,000 woollen blankets, also some engineer and artillery officers; item, a German Baron, formerly aide-de-camp to Prince Henry of Prussia, of whom you can make a general.

"I am. Gentlemen,

"Your obedient Servant,

"C. de Beaumarchais."[1]

The members of Congress were very indignant about this letter, with the contents of which they made all us Frenchmen acquainted, but it was on a par with all that he did, and what might have been expected from such a man.

  1. See Note G.