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THE BEGINNERS OF A NA TION. A History of the Souxxx and Rise of the E^liest English Settlements in America, with Special Reference to the Life and Character of the People. The first volume in A History of Life in the United Sutes. By Edward Eggleston. Small 8vo. Cloth, gilt top J wicut, with Maps, $1.50.

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    • Written with a firm grasp of the dieme, inspired by ample knowledge,

and made attracdve by a vigorous and resonant style, the book will receive much attention. It is a great theme the author has taken up, and he grasps it with the confidence of a master."— York Timts, "Mr. Eggleston's 'Beginners' is unkiue. No similar historical study has, to our kno^edge, ever been done in the same way. Mr. Eggleston is a reliable reporter of facts; but he is also an exceedingly keen critic. He writes history without the effort to merge the critic in the historian. His tense of humor is never dormant He renders some of the dullest passaees in colonial annals actually amusing by his witty treatment of them. He finds a laugli lor his reaaers where most of his predecessors have found yawns. And with all this he does not sacrifice the dignity of history £or an vastacat," ^Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, "The defightfiil style, the clear flow of the narrative, the philosophical Cone, and the &le analysis of men and events will commend Mr. Eggleston's work to earnest %»xttxi:&**— Philadelphia Public Ledger.

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