Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/118

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BAR non, co. Tyrone, and bad, with other issue, a son and heir, SIR ROBERT EsROLAY, the 5th baronet. 1686; rI. 14 June, 1869, to Aunic-Catherhle, dan. of the John, wise a. in infliney. Clotilda.Elizabeth, ci. to the Baron D’Eoenry, ‘f Holland. ssisoc of the hIt. Hon. James Whiteside, Ml’., aud Sir Robert w. 2ndly, in 1802, Harriette, Baroness do Cronstedt, 1 Maria.Charlotte-Exmonth, ni. 7 Jan. 1857, to WilliamSsuthcy.Whitesids dau. of Ccl. Burell, and had by her (whodied at P0111, 16 Feb. lOll’) two sons, I. Dsvin-WILL1AM present baronet. ii. C eergs_xngnstns.Fredericlc, deceased. lie a. 14 Aug. kilO, and svass. by his grandson, IX. SIR Bonnily, 6. in 1819, an officer in the 25th foot, Norton Balniaiii, captain Madras cavalry, and has issue. who ,t 19 May, 1859. Crealien—S Oct. 1068. Arms—Az.,aehev., between three viz. Enama-Drucy, 0.13 April, 0800; C. 11 Aug. 1818. crosses-patee, or. f’resl—A sword, sleet ppr., hilted and Sir Gesrgc-Ililaro Barlow entored the civil service of the pommelled, or. Hens—Crux ChristiilOstrarrona. Jl,oir/ra’v East India Company in 1778; was appointod in 1788 subeecrctaryto —l’ort Louis, Mauritini. Tcw,s Jlcinsc—117, Westhourne Terrace. DARING, DART., see NoiaTBntlOOR, D.wose. B A B 11 0 W. B.tnLOW, Sin MonsooN, of Fir Grove, on. Surrey, erosseo.croaslct, litchde, so., two lions, passsnt-connter-passant, Dart., capt. 7th huccars, 6.3 Nov. )83S; s.hss fathor, point a branch of olive, and another of palm in saltire, ppr. as 3rd Bart., 11 Jan. 1867. ILincagc. Wis.o.rsai Bsatow, Eoq. of llsth, 3rd son of William sinister) another of palm, ppr. Barlow, of South Andisy-street, cs. Hilars, dan. of Rsbsrt Butcher, Esq. of Waltharnstow, and dying in 1798, loft issue, s. Robert (Sir), admiral, ICC. B., a distinguished naval an olive brassch, and in the other an esarol, ppr. officer, who rscsivcd thshoncnr of knighthood for capturing M”tte—” Sis pins in primis.” Orsr the crest, ‘‘Bulge the “Africaine,” French frigate; 01. in 8785, Elizabeth, pacem.” dcn. of Wm. Garrett, Esq. of Worthington, and had, I Robert, 0. 26 13cc. 1798, a senior nisrehant at Bengal. 2 William, 0. 4 Dec. 1809. 1 Elizabeth-Anne. 2 Francco, m. 5 Oct. IOn, to 6th viscount Tonington. 3 Hilare, 01. Ist. 27 Feb. 1017, to Cesrgc-L’lric Barlow, Esq. ; 2udlv, 00 Starch, 1829, Is Earl Nelson; Irdly, in 1837, to G.-T. Knight, Esq. 4 Car”iiue, ci. to Licut.-Calonsl Dashwsod, C. B., who a. so April, 1812: sho c. 29 April, 1860. 5 Maria. Sir Robert a. in May 1843. ii. William, of Streathans, Surrey; is. 1st, Harriet, dan. of Major Jchn Flemniisg ; and 2ndly, Lonica, don. ci Richard Harris, Eaq. of Eaher. sri. Thomas-William, in h”ly orders, prebendary of Briatci, and Vicar ofAlbnrtcn; m. Frances. dan. of John Boohctt, Esq. sf South llimms, and had, John, Thomas, George, and Anne-Frances. iv. 000ROE-IOILARO, crsated a Baronet. v. Samuel, C. 11010. s. Frances-Charlctts, is. in 1764, to Thomas Conlthard, This family, whose snrnaine was anciently written ‘Do Bog. of Chawton. ilante. ii. Ilars-ictt-Ihlars, ni. to Henry Manning, Esq. of Sidmonth, Barneval,” “Bsrnevalc,” and “Bamewall,” deduces its and a. 13 Feb. 1841. SIR Gronoc-IIss.aao BARLOw, G.C.B. (the 4th son), created is the parent stock from which the noble houses of Kingsland a Mart., 29 June, 1103; ni. 16 April, 1795, Elizabeth, dan. ol and Trimlestown branched, and the name of its patriarch is Bnrtcn Smith, of Wcstxncath, Es,1., and by her (from whom to be fonnd, with the other companions in arms of the Conqiseror, ho was ,Iivoreed, 30 April, 1816) ha had issue, s. Gcsrgc-Ulric, captain in the 4th dragoons; 6. 0 Gel. 1791; s.,. 27 Feb. 1017, Ins cousin Ililars, 3rd dan. of having established themselves there in 1172, under the Adn,iral Sir Robert Barlow, CCII and a. s. p. 29 June, banner of Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke. 1824. lOis widow re-married, 1829, William, Earl Nelaon, Sin MmcissEm, no Benacs:vom., Knt., the first settler, jo’med whe a. in 1835. She c. 3rily,’Georgc-ThomasKnight,Esq., the English expedition with three armed ships, and eFected 2nd ann sf Edward Knight, of (isdinershana Park, Kent. a descent upon Beerhaven, cc. Cork, previously to the landing sr. William, RN., 8. 10 Dec. 1792:,?. non. 29 Jnly, 1801. sir. John-henry, I0.I.C.C.S., 0. 7 Des. 1791; C. non. 1841. Iv. Eonnnv 2nd l,aronst. v. Charles.Anatcnther, capt. royal navy, C.B., Knight cf is mentioned in the records at the Tower of London as one San Fernaudc of Spain, 0. 0 Sept. 1800, d. 31 Bsc. 1805. of the leadIng captains in the entsrps’ise ; and in the reigns vi. Riehsrd-We0cslsy, of the Ilsngal civil service, 8. 10 of Hszenv II. and of Ilinnaren I. he was lord, by tenure, of Sept. 1804: ni. 2 March, 1030, Maria, 2nd dan. of Major- Beerhaven and Dasitry. From this gallant and successful General Sir William Nett, G.C.B and by her (who ic-Ill. soldier, ave pose to 27 Feb. 1813, Charlss henry Nicholctta, Req.) he had, 1 BICUARD-WELLEOLEY, Madras civil service, 0. 38 Jan. firstposseseorofQricketewn Castleandestate, and the fonnder 68 BAR late 11ev. Dr. Whitcsidc, vicar sf Scarborough, and has Hilaro.Williami’m’ellesleS’, 6. 3861; and UlricRichard.WcllsOlsy, 0. .itug. 1882. ,Esq., Madras civil service, eldest son of the late Rev. Dr. Whitsside, Vicar of Scarborough. lie a. 14 AprB, 1819. s. Edza.Jlarnist, 01. 1 Oct. 1008, to Vkconnt Exmsntb. ii. Charlotte, 6. 29 Sept. 1784; sa.21 Oct. 1813,ta Fletcher- its. I,snisa, 6. 30 Nov. 1798; a. 51010. 22 Ang. 1821. iv. Frances. v. Ansas-Caroline. vs. Ilarriet. the Supreme Government in the revenue depart. mont; and in 1796, searatary thsrcsf; in 1601, meniber of the council sf Bengal; and in April, 1802, provisisnal governor-general; created a Baronet in 1801, nominated a Knight Companion of the Order of the Eath 29 Oct. 1806, and appointed Governor of Madms, 29 May, 1807. Ho d. 18 Dec. 1846, and was a. by his 4th son, II. Sin Eoacov, wlsa was 6. 24 Sept. 1797: be entered the civil service of tho E. 1. Cs. in 1817, and became one of the judges of the Suddcr Dcwanny and Nicasnnt Adasvlnt, or Native Supreme Court of Judicature at Calcutta; he sam. 27 Sept. 1812, Angusta-Lsniea, 3rd dan. of Majer-Gen. Seymour, BA., governor of $1. Lucia, and by her (who a. in Nov. 1810) had, i. George-henry, 6. 29 Aug. 1330; ,i. 4 lisrch, 1843. ii. William-Charles, 0. 8 Sept. 1834; a. 4 March, 1842. ni. SlonseoN, present baronet. Sir Robert a. Jan. 1857. Arsls—Aeg., on a chevron, cngrailcd, gu., between three snpportiisg an eastern crown, or; isa the centrs chief (‘rest—Issuing out of an eastern crown, or, a demi-hon, arg., the paws supporting a eraes-ccesslct, fitchOs, as., between )en the dexter side) a branch of olive, and (on the Fsspjaarlsra—On either side an angel, ppr., vested, arg., zoned, and sn ths head an eastern crown, or; the dexter holding in the exterior hand a balance, gold, and in the other a hook, ppr. : the sinister bearing in the exterior hand BAR NE WAL B. BAENEWALL, SeE REGINALDATLHER-JOBN-DE-BARNEVAL, of Ci-iekstown Castle, co. Meath, 6. 16 Feb. 1838; s. his father, as 8th baronet, at his birth. lineage from remote antiquity, and claims, among its earliest progenitors, personages of the most eminent renown. It in the Roil el Battle Abbey. iii Ireland the Barnewalls came under the denonnnation of “Strongbswiaaxs,” ef his chief, Earl Strongbow, in Leinstcr. Sir Michael Sits ULrsioaas Dr Broxnvar,e, Knt., the tenth in descent.