Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/138

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BEE Charles-Itichard, late capt. of hussars in the Austrian service, s. Oliver, k 21 Stay, 1849. 8. Sept. 1803. Edward-Rtetiarsi, a nsidshipman. lest at sea, in 1023. Feix_Wiltiarn-Gearge-ttiehard, bar-at-law, coloistat treasssrer 51. Ellen, who if. young. tar the tslassd af the llaurittsss, assd messslscr of the executive and legislative councils, 8. 12 Aug. 1000; cs. 30 April, 1040, Mary, etslest daa. of ttse late LienL-Cal. Chads, governor of the British Vtrgtn tslansls. Frances-Charlotte, so. lOtS, Witttasss, Lord Petre; and ii. 1022. P. Tuonxs IScs:ven, Req., sen of Thonsas Boss-ar, Req. of Matilda, 55. in 1820, to tlsc late George-Stanley Cary, Esq. of Norwich, by Hester his wife, dan. of Joins Sharpe, Esq. of Follalon, en. Decon, wtso st. 1058. Agnes-Stacy, so. in 1023, to Ttsansas-Stotyncux Seete, of ttse sanse place, assd great-grandson of Abraham Bsevnr, ltoltnn Park, ce. Lancaster, Req. Cbartotte-Etizatsetts, a nun of she convent of this English Esq. of Ileokntondwike, en. York, was created a Baronet, Aagusttns at Brssges. Sir Richard st. 22 Nov. 1029, assd was e. by Isis eldest eels, sO in 1510, had issue, VI. Ssa Hcasnv-Rscssann, who was 0. tf SIssy, 1800, and ‘sonatAs, Isis successor. cii. 30 Aug. 1020, Stas-garet-Assssc, only child and heir of Edward l’aaton, Esq. (last of the Pat tons af t’aston, farsoerly Earls of Yarsnonth*), assd by her, who assumed the Mites, in holy orders, DO., -as. Stacy Bsevsr, of Norwioh, and ssame of Mssssep tn toll, had issue, Sun ]tzaer-Gnener, pcesesst baronet. Raotsl-Stsplsen, nsaJsr West Norfolk artillery militia, 0. 1 Apcil, 1835. illatitda-Clsarlntte. sit. 2 July, 1035, to Calttain George NevH, George, in holy orders, so. in 1701, Jane, eldest dan. of the late 7th royal fnsilicrs, 2nd sets of the tale Charles end Lady Geergina Nevill, of Neetll hlelt, ea. Leieestcr Mary-Geraldine, is. Get. 1007, to Edwacd-Sootlswelt Trafferd, Anne-Bettina, 5,5. in 1777, Ia Pinch Finds, of Shelford, co Esq.. 2nd san of E.Ts-.sfferd, Esq. of Wroxhans Halt, Nos-fatk. (See Brese’s Landed G’essl,-g). SIary-Gabrietle. Sir ltenry assumed, by sign-massnal, the additional surname Sir Thensas P. iso 1814, assd was s. b5- his eldest son, aud arms of PA5TnN, tO April, 18:10. tie was declared by the II. SIR Tnocrxs, 8. 11 Nov. 1753; os. in 1791, Asane, dma. Lords’ Committee for I’riviteges one of the co-heis;s to the and sole heir of hugh Hare, of Harglsanc hall, eo. Norfolk, ancient Barony of Grandison. lied. 4 Feb. 5862. Csvsflsn—2 Jan. 1000-1. Aemt—Erm., an eagle, displayed, gu. Creel—A densi-eagle, wissgs exisatssled, gu. ,3Isllo—l tespieio hecrena, selens eontesnptoe. ,feat—Oxburgh, ca Norfolk: and Brailes, Warwick. Nsf c—The Bcdingfctds have, as a badge, a fetteelock, (the Joliana-Bethina, s. in 1816, to she Rev. Henry Howard, of badge of the house of York,) granted to tlscm by EDWARD 1k. BEERHAVEN, VISCOUNT, fee BANTLY, EARL. B E E V 0 U-. BEEVOB, SIR THOMAS - BRANTHW tTr, of Hethel, eo. Norfolk; b. 7 April, 1798; a. as 3rd baronet on the demise of bie father, 10 lice. 1820 ; sit, let, 9 Dee. 18 19 Elizabeth - Bridget, 2nd dan. of the late Richard Lubbock, M.D., of Noru’ieh, and by her (who ci. in Nov. 1831) has issue, s. Tstotsas, 8. 21 Aug. 182:; s. 10 Dee. t810, Sophia-Jone, widow of his cousin, Itse late Isaac-Jcrsssy Jersscy, Esq. of Stanfiold halt, Norfolk, and dan. of the late Rev. Clement Chevattier, of L’aditsghant, Snffsstk, and has issue a dan. s. Elizabeth- Bridget, s. to Jotos-Daotc JePery, Esq. of Sidmonth, oo. Devon. Sir Thomas sit. 2udly, 4 Sept. 1832, Martha, dan. of Archibald Herdiment, Eaq. of Old Bitokcsshans, BELBAYEN AND STaNTON, BARON (Sir Bobcat- Norfolk, nssd by her (u-ho tf. 25 Oct. 1843) has Montgomery Hamilton, K.T.), in the peerage of had issue, s. Ac-thur is. 11 Sept. lOSt. is. Edward, 8. 11 Dec. 5538. us,. Frassklin, 0. 21 Slay, 1841. u. Julia, 0. to Walter Jeffecy Potts, Req., lnd son of Cbsypnls. 1,ioeetnststre, is-ho s’s. its 1780, Ann, eldest dais, of tise late George Potts, Eeq-, 31-P., of Etmgrsve Itensc, William Perfect5 Esq. sf Pontefract, and if. in 1520, hcavhsg Bawhish, and Trafalgar Lawn, Darssstaplo, Devon, nnd isstse, ‘t’hsosssas, 17.0., in holy orders, fellow of Queen’s College, has a son. is. Stas-tamso, oo. 1 June5 h0625 to Burton-John Davsnoy, John, whe 555. Elizabeth, dsu. and heir of Francis Parke, Esq., 0th dragoons. its, Phmbe, si. 1838. iv. Jane, d. 1s42. Sir Thomas ns. 3rdly, 15 March, 1845, Mary, dan. Jolia, s,s. to Gcssrgs ltedgkinsess, Esq. ci Newark-npnn’ of F. Davies, Esq., and by her Isas had, BEL 1. Marriott, ma. 5 Sept. 1560, to P. do Mantnaoreney Dow• semi, Esq. 3Lincagc, 23 Jnne, 1784. He sss. 7 July, 1710, Elizabeth, dan. and heir of Shttes Branthwayt, of listhel, Eoq., and by her, who Jat,n, major in the arnsy, is. in 1715; din 1820. ‘1.19 Dcc. 1834, leaving tseo dans., Jane-Frances, s,s. te James Day, Esq., capt. R.A., and Slary, os to Frederiek-Baldsrs fleecer, Esq. of Gray’s Inn. Arthor, capt. in the arnsy, so. in 1707, Mary, led dan. of the ltev. Arthur Branthwayt, ef Slifikey, co. Norfolk, and has two dans. Rev. Arlhor itranthwayt, and d. in 1810, leaving five seas and three dons. Cambridge, Esq., and s1. in 1700. Jotiona-Siary, so. to Sir ltohect-Johsn Buxton, Ban., and ,h. 5 Feb. 10-13. Esq., and dying 10 Dec. 1820, left issne, ‘l’noaios, present baronet. Slary-Anne, so. in 1819, to Isanc Preston (aftern-ards Jernoy), Esq. of Stanfisld hell, en. Norfnlla, rseos-dcr of Nonvieh, and d. in 1821, leaving a son, Isaae-Jcrmy Jcrmy, Esq., and a dais. 11cr husband and son wecs mns-steccd by Rush in 1848. Qssendoo, co. Essex, and P. in 1520, leaving issue one son and four daos. Usvsshissss—23 Jan. 1784. Ar,go—i’er pale, or and org., on a chief; indented, so., three tiosss, casnlsant, of this first. Cs’rot—A beaver, paisant, ppr. Scal—itargham, near Attteborongh, Nerfelk. B E L H A V E N. BELFAST, EARL, ace DONEnAL, MARQCESS. c Tise hate Jones Beeves, Esq. of, so. York, left an only son, TIme ltss-. JnnN Reeves, rector of this North Stediety of Camisridge. Esq., and s(. in 1833 heaving two ions, llessry sad John. Abrahsans. Ann. Sarah, widow nf Robert Seaten, Seq. of Pontcfract, Trsnt. Charletle, si. ssssos. in 1810. Carsslissc, is. Is Jehn-Jcreosiah Bigshy, 1-1.0. Ansetia, s,s. to Capt. Edward Tlssnsson. Louisa. • This earldoin hsecame extinct in 1711, hsy the failure of mole issne. (Sn hlrsae’s E,cliacl eessl Dos-ss,ss,st Pscrs9c.) 88