Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/152

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31 liz czqc. The forindcs of this faintly iii Irelanil, Richard Blake, Seai—3heselongh Castle, co. Galn’sy. alias Caddell, acccocnioesctccl l’rinccc (ccftercc ardo l(en’) .1 isa into that Kin ;ilion in ii al, sod cii ‘Ocisiol far his sailit,Lrv services large grants <if land in tue c’s. l.salaeay,Jlayii,, Clare, and in the cc. of the town i,f (loin cy 1. VALENTIciF Bcascn, Dc,1. of (icderay, was created a Maaotrrv OF IRFLSNIC, 10 July, 1132. Tlcis gci ti, i,iao, who eves mayor of (lalevay iss Dcl I and I 730, 15 ileli osoin iti d in the corporation rceccrds, ‘ Vals nlinc Blake FilzWaltor Pits Thomas’ If C 10. 1st, Margaret, clan, of ll,,1,crt French, Eoq. of Galway, by wh,cm h,. hail fcenr sans and tln’ce doses. and 2nilly, Asinabcll, dais ‘S J Lines Lynch, Esq. Sir Valentine ct. in 1834, a d was s. liy his eldest son, Ii. Sm TnoseAs, who is as. e. by his clilest scm, III. Ssn VALeNTiNe, if )lenlsngli CasLIe. This gentlerosa cc,. Eleanor, dan. of Sir Itc’nry l.a-eich, lt:irt. ‘if Castle Csrra, in Mayo, l’y svhons he hcsl four soiss, and was a. 1c3’ the eldest, IV Sin Tuoniss, who ci. tsvtee, an’l was a. liy his eldest L Ile.xnv-Butceuev, in holy ordero, rector of Messett, Sat. son (ho hod is..sso by his 2sal wife, M.cna, elan rcf 11 bort French, Kid, of, V. ‘ha Vos n)cTcas. This gristleinan falling in a duel, soon after the dec. sic if Ins fcsilse r, and leac ing 5,5 issue, the title dcvii vi it n, cii liii. i’nly I irothis r, VI. Sin W’aurs a, is ho svccs the first c,,th,’lie gcntleniccn is. Willicume-ficego, 0. hI Nov. 1521 su. 16 Juno, 1050, at of dishnetion that j ccliii 1 the slaicd,sril of the Felice,’ if Orange, and olitcilisert is e’cnnedsstcoe from Ins highness to i-also a regiment, which tco mcdii tuned and clothed at ho own expense. Sir W.,lle r was o. 1 ‘ Icis oldi st son, VII. Sin Tnicai so, cf Sc ,nnccrs (lIe, rem. H cIn ay. This Sir Henry o. as Ibis isanoesot, at the decease of his gentleman cc. iii I 7I’i, Elba? ceth Burke, of Tyagnin, celebrated father, 21 April, 1832. He no. 2nelly, 15 Fob. 1819, for hoe poetical talc nts, liy n’hcim he hccd a iou, Lnniss, Zinel clan, ansi co.hoincso of tise late Sir Us.cmc, and a ilcccs. , Aicisc’, wlco cci. in I 737, lttch,ard Kirsvcoi, Thoneas Pulkingtous, Bank, assd widow of the Rev. Eoq. cf Crcg, cc. Galway, enuscont for ins philicoe’plceal O..A. Daeveoss. writings and discoveries. Sir Thonias, at his decease, n’cso s. by his only sios, VIII. Sia Ens a, who ,l. in I 710, without male issue, This fmsnsily derives f,-one a cesssnisn ancestor with the svhess the title revoric ii Is Ins consie IX Sssc Tn, gas, cf 3IenI,s This gcustlcman miss, in I 720, cssccient ls,eisc ref lilake of Buchly Giussuiss. Elccsnor Lynch, cit the (‘cello (‘,srra fcssinly, and hail an only POTS a lbs sac, Eoe1. of Bally Ghuluin and Cnnumee, es. dais., Mary, who ccc. Edn’ccs ii I yneb, I si. Sir ‘I homas d3 log O.ilwmsy foci rmf Slartisu Blmske-Fitz-Assdeew, of Cuumsnor, Sthicsit male issue, ccc s. icy his 1,ri’Ilo’r, X. Sin Wxi ma, srlisoi. 10 lo’it I i’’,l, Bar] sara, etan, of Dangau), d, lieu 1001, Icavisug by Sibilla Joyce his wife, Myics Burks, F7’q. of Ocvcr, ea. (.icclisay, ccisel lift, st his 0lAo’rsse, of (‘ssrnmer and Daily Olonin, encoder of the present drceccse, in 18<2, five Acme soul icno ci, Os , viz. lenin, his successor llsneniels-J c’si ph, if. in Si Id. I bItt I Tlccci,iccs’, I’avas,’se, ancestor of the Blatcs sf Langhans. Ste1chen I Walter (‘csllii nice, wife of Myles llnvkc, Escp He was s. iiy his shiest s,csc, Xl. Sin Josin, 5. 13 icily, 1751. This genilescian ni. lot, I. Paneicsc IlL me., Esq. (son of Andrew Blake, Esq 12 May, i7lllm, los c’ ‘sum, Islecsn,cr, ‘lc,n. cf Edward T.yscch, whose f,etlmee l’cutrhek Biceke, Fog. of the islasud of Slosstsorrat, Esq. of the Castle Caiva family, and by that lady had isssso, wa, dn,h s.. u ess alrsuudy rhc,wn, of Poter Blake, Ess5 of Vss.EsTsm-Jonuc, his heir. 102 Barliaro, ci. in 1804, to Thonsas Tornec, Esq. of Hales Ilall, cc. org., on a sillier, sa., nine masrlos, of lice fold; and in chief, a sear of ricist Iccials, go., fur lls.sisi : 41h. arc., us ‘Isaleefort, so., Slanted. Sir Jc’hsn cc’. 2ndly, iss 1801, Rose, dan. of Edward Brice, Sophms,iers—lietslrr. a ci’ cg ‘if rlsccse. salie’! ci, cent. siusiser, an 100,1. sf ltilroot, cc. .Xnhdm, by his svife Thooder.% dan. of anhelojce, spriuuaiusc. I hr.. <‘urged wills ccii slice oroson, aicil ci Thcisccas, lot loud Vesuiry, csnd by her had, John-Drier, rapt. 47ih rcgl.; o’. Miss Elese. Fliocs, iota ‘l’lsecnas.Towssosiil-Aresestcrg, 3rd Lord Venfry. Sccil—Ilicscrijislsasi t’,cslle, on flue scaler of Oinvssss, .tl.syli”lc, Jaume-llai’eai’cI, is. to the 11ev. Dennis 3lohony, of Drossore tootle, in Kcrry. Arahcrll’e, oc. 1st, 7 Bee. 1827, to Sir llogh-Jamos Slsore— Dlii nc,i’ll, han., and l,eeaune a widow 20 Jaly, 1020. She so. ladly, JoIns O’llsra, Eoq. of Raheen, co. Galoay. Sir Jriiss 1. in IStil, asid was e by his oldest soss, XII. Sssc Vxei,scaaae-Jons’, lIP., 5. 23 June, 1780; who es 1st, S .Ssrg. 1501, Elba, eldest dan. of Joseph lionellan, BElIeD, Sue Tno:JAs.EPIvAPdBc Of Esq, of Kltlagh (who S. S 3Iay, 1538), and by her had, ___________ Ihlenlongh Castle, en, Galsvay; 8. BLA BLA situ in duet, a rose, ca, for t’us ssssisaesos,I Broc°afc dl. clinic Isusiccoic tls,’s’i’cn, ii’. (‘red —A sloe’s liec,,l, esl,u’ss,’il, ecpr. JI,,If,,—Vieilisuui its. rciloei’. s ciluslctccs. Ày ruls ire. BLAKE 01? 31ENL0UC41L ‘ç / 25 May, I S05; e. luio fatlser as 1 8th / / baronet, in Jan. 1847 ; no. 29 May, 1830, Lotitia.Maria, ossly dan. and of Ilcellyolgon, Itisig’s co Ices ibexes Loceu?e,l fir ole5), and Iseir of flick O’Brien, Esq. of Wator Elly, Eleanor, and Elisa; all fhrcc et. since. viow, en. Galevay, and has issue, s. VALENTiNE, I. 2 lIce. 1833; 0. 1534, Canailla-Engenia, Richai’d M,cel),innoll, LID., provost of Trinity College, youngest clan, of 3l.a’vo’ be nclce, Esi1., seed lets issrsc, Deubllsu, and by leer (cOme Os. lerdly, If Oct. 1050, dcl’s, CiscSan, Elesnor’Cccrnillcc—Ehi so, cccl Icicceenec. s. Lonisa, c,. 27 (let. IRiS, at lieu same, tic Thomas Ulick Shiffimahl, co. Saldie) hmsd a soee Vculeustheo-Charlco, 0. isi 1044. Bunko, Es3. ccf Ssnytluesdde, Virtcirts, some of the lab Sir Valcntiuuo S. he Jan. 1047, and was o. toy his ehlcst som Ca1,t. J,ihs hturkc, of Tyaisein, c’i. GaIw..y. is. Ehza-Llaria. Tnoaios, Ins heir. Jelsn-l’rose’ie, 8. 14 April, 1q00; us.. 21 Dcc. 1030, Frances, Red an,] ssmly sorviving dais, of Ito lace Ileresm 0 llsmllins, Esq., and sisler of lice icrescsil llielsael-B. 3lnllins, Esq., tolls hey her lest,,,?. 1505) has, Bersard-VslclsIhsc, 5.24 SopI. 1041; cccl hiliershehls. Ho cci. Ssudly, 8 A1,ril, 1543, Jsslia ,Siiphics, dan. of the halo Ps,,brrt 3lccdllcosnoll, Beg , M.D., and slices of tho Rev. Es,1., yicmtgost scsi sf the Late ,Jalmn Cesxoon, Esq. of I ‘coIl’s—IS Judy, Intl. .4 u’s, s—dig., a frrl. gn. I ‘cot—A ouch. pccsoascs—gisardani, ‘pr. JIc.hlo—Vhrhsis ec,lo usbililas. BLAKE OF LANOHAM. Busies, SIR HEa’llY.CBARLBs, of Legham, co. Snifolk; & 23 Nov. 1794 ,‘sa. lot, 2 Aug. 1819, MaryAnne. only dan. of William Wleitter, Eoq. of Midhneet, Suosex, and by d. 20 April, 1841) has folk, 1. 14, 1530 I sc. I dusty, 1047, I’rsaocoollanian, only slcsmu. ‘ci Ilenry-.Iaunes Oakrs, Eeq. , of Non-toss locust, Beury SI. Emlmssssds. assul has Pxvsscse-Josues(insssssl, 0. tsiil I 11.cnicen I omsisa; Emma-logo I Julia— l’set, mis ; atsel Moey-Auunu -Thelbuosois. tJohm glue, llaey, cl,hcst surviving dais, of thee Rev. JasnesT. llesueeet, s’cclser of Cheveley, Cambnidgeshine, and has issne, thuve daeso. sheriff of llalsvcsy 1f45, by his wife Margaret 3iantyn, of 31 ssvss-.I000s’sc PLACE, Esq. of Daily Gloom, late H.P., aol ‘f Icie couusium, Jousa-,Jossea BLAKE, Esq. tsim’lu,,lcmq. Cuseessuser ased iicehly Chemists,, es. G.slwoy), was created a Baronet, S Oct. 1771 lIe ci,. Aanabdlla, don. of 8h’ Willians