Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/158

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BLO ship s. his father, as 2nd baron, 15 Aug. 1340. He is British’ulor extaaordiiiary and ministerplenipotetitiary to the Emperor of Austria. The late in, Loon ilci sMrlELIt, a licut. —general in Ito aee,et1etitied tastes I]. to Francs, and dying at Bi-est, the al-mv, esi. eonttllan,ILitt of fits royal rs’,tioetit of artillery, 1691, so as e. by his elder son, G.t’. Ii. tiol liP. II., 9. 13 0 prO, 17112, ,Icsei nded fr nt IV. Sin Rtrevnr. lisle gontlontan ss. Catherine, dan. of an ancient famil9 ht Ireland, was suit ol ,lol,n tllsomfirl ii, htein’y tilaks, Req., cs. Mayo, by when ho hod (with Iwo Req. of Newport, cc. Tippor,try, by C’hirliittc, oldest (lao. datss, Catherine, to. ts Richard Denrks, Rsq. of Moneygroves (by Arnie Jseelyn, his wife, sister itt hoOts vi. Viseseost ,I serlyn, lonI-ehaneellor of lrehutd) of Santuc 1 WaIler, Req. heir, In 10110, ho was ttpp,’iitttd gent le-iotn-Lttol,dant upon 1 us V. Sir henry, 0f Castle Coven, who ci. Mnry, dan. of flay.0 highness the l’nisee if Wales, and, during the subsequent Johit lii,, ire, Roil. of Breos, es. Galway (she was gnsnddau. regency, filled the offices of marsh-ti aud chief amid heiress of Ccl. tttsrrett Ilsore, of Brace), and had three eqnerry to the Ilegeot. In 1012, ho received the honour af sons and two chsns., lhirniet, a. to Col. Drswna, of Castle knighthood ; and in 1517, on the resignation of Sir John llaogorrctt; attil Anna, ia. ta the lion. henry Brawne. MacRaison, sneceoded that gctitleintu as receiver-general of tic ii. 1762, antI was s. 1 ‘y his aldent san, the dssrhy of Cornwall, and private sccretar9 and keeper of VI, Sin Itnns,ne. This geittleman hatong ni. in h7i4, the pilvy psnoe to lbs prinre. Jo Sept. 1824, he was alt. Elintdteth, eitly dati. of Francis Barker, of Sibbsn, Suffolk, pointed minister-ph nio itentiary and envoy—extraordtitto3’ and iteirsss of T,,l,ias Illosso, of I.ittle Bolaveati, in the same to Ilte eonrt of Sweden, and was elevated to the peerage of cc., assumed the esimone of Booooe, lit addition to, and Ireland, 14 May, 1513. fIts lardehip hail two sisters, Anne, ii. to Tltotnas-Itid cc Pepper, Esq., of Loughton, co htrteov, seho s. to the title; and Francis, who si. Rattan, Tipperary, and 5. lii A1 vii, 1s41. Charlotte, it, to else Very lOss-. Tlseatas-li. Cough, Deaa of issue, Roltent, who, encceediog his uncle, became the fth llcrry. Lord llloomfield 01. 7 Sept. 1797, Harriott, dan. of John Vii. Sin Henna’ Lv’emt-liLoese ; at whsse decease, with. Ponglao, Eoq. of Orantham, eo. Lincoln, and if. II _htsg. out issue, in 1788, the title revsrtstl to Isis nephew, 3046, leaving by her (who 8. 13 Sept. lift), Jons-Asvnrn-lieroeao, present peer. Ha-note-Anne, so. in 1033, to Csl. ‘I hossas-itesry ltingscete, Fr,Atecis, his heir amid Ilary, to. I 029, to the late Hen. amid late 2nd life gnards, of ltingscete, cc. Glonrester, who Very Rev. Roltert Plnnket, deams of Tnnmn, and rector at ii. 1501. Gnorgiana-ltary-Eniilia, no in ISle, lo henry, 2nd eon of of Jolsmi Richards, Esq. of Cardi so. Gksmorgtsn, and by William Trench, Esq. of Cangert Paris, King’s Coont3. Creslisn—l 4 3Iay, 1825. Aries—Avg., three lowness, eettjsined, in frssc, gu., lsctween the Rev, lisle i6iekards) two soisa, tienry-Lyneh, archdeacon as ninny rtisquefetts, as. an a canton ef the lasi, a picnic of at-my, ni. lot, 19 Atig. 1038, Rliza-Graro, dais, of the hate three sstricli fealhers of cite told, issoteg llsreagh lbs rim eta royal concoct, or. Ctaol—llttt of a nsnral crown, en, eltargeil will, tsvo einqttc— Itemsry Percy, Roq., and svislow of the Rev. Edward Iliingworth, foils, in fesse, an., o boll’s fiend, r. Sepjoel’ i-a—On either si,lc a horse, regardttst, srg., their Rdward-Faleemser-Lyiieh, It. 11 July, 1899 he is. tndly tails iloss’ing betsvt’cn their hind legs, eneh gorged wilh a 13 Jan. JOel, Rnlarie-lirnee, yistsngeot dan. of the late eltaplet of sale. pry. the tlexlcr charged sis the breast, with Harry-Cough Ord, Rag. of hiexley, Reset. Sir Robert 8. an eseeeheos, gel., thereon a plnine ci feathers, as on the canton Jass. 1810, tind was 8. by his eldeot son, in ttc dnetd ass,l tlse sinister seith an eseoehcen, or, charged with is grenade, sa , hoed, ppr. Atsg. 1881 ; st. in April, 1024, the Hen. Elizabeth Phniaket, iu’otlo—goeees ferinna jot-at. Seaf—Lnngliten, lloneygsll, Kitsg’e Consly. B L 0 S S E. LTNCII-BLOSIE, Sin RonanT, of Sir Frosscie P. tim 2545. Caatle Cat-rn, eo. Mnyo, b. 15 Feb. Ci’entieo—b Jnae, 1822. 1325 ; e. ns 10th baronet, at tise Aces—Ar.., is chevron, belseen three trefoils, slipped, or. decease of his father, in 1340; Crest—the a ss’realh, a lynx, passant, coo-aid, ang. m. 31 March, 1353, Lady Hatriel aetil—Ahnae-ahlie, lialla, so. Slays. Bvosvne, sister of the Marquess of hugo, and has, I. Henna’, 9. 21 April, 1837. ii. Ilobort, t. 14 Feb. 1161. iii., 9. II Feb. 1961. I. Harriet. it. Mary. 3Lt1lCat. The family of Lynch is of great antiquity in the ps’oviece of Connaught, hoing asasngst the very early settlers dent,mutated I. Revs-en-cit Sitnneovote, h 19 Dcc. 1011. the ‘‘ Trihea of Galway.” In an old 388. in Ulster’e office, William Le Petite in stated Is las thee eamonoon em. Edward, 8. 11 Oct. 3617 ; d. 29 March, 1841. progenitor of all the Lynches in Irelamtd. 1. ttnnay Lvacn, Req., mayor of and lIP, for Calway iv. Stephen, 8. 1 Nov. 1040. (eldest of twelve eons of Niebslas Lynch, also nsayor of Galway), was created a D.iot,nnv or IOELANit, 9 Jone, llild. i. llttry-Catherinc. Sir Henry ta. Elizabeth, d:sti. of Ilichard 11srtin, Req., and on. lItu-goret-ltary-Teresn. relict of James D’Arey, Esq., hty whom he hstl lhree sine and three dans. fled, in lilli, awl svas n. by lila eldest sun, 11. dims ilonnn-r. This gesseleinan representnl Gslway in parliamont in 1039 and 1641, and was resident connssh of This ancient fantily has given birth to three distinct races Csmsaught dm’ing the rebellion, lie at. Ellia, dan. of Sir of pecre, viz., the Lords of Gnianes, in France; the Barons 103 PLO Peter French, Rnt., lay svhtnn Ite had two cons, and dying ahont 1o67, was s. by the older, III. Sin hieteav, a lawyar of eminence, and one of the barons of tise L’xeheqoer, in l8Slt who its. lot, Jlnrgaret, dan. of Sir Theebald Bttnrkc, 3rd Viscount Mayo, hut by that laily had no iossma. Ito sit. fndly, snd had two ssus. ; and Jano wife of John Li’Arcy, Esq.) s son mid after that of Lynch. The issue of this nnirriage were, dan. of Ji hn Smith, Req. of Ralhesnssy, as. Cork, and had btot. Sir Rohsem-t it. 1772, ntsd svaa a. by lois elder son, VIII. Sits Itonenv. This gentlcinan to. lot, Elizabeth, dan. of Williana (tsvmssnn, Req of Carlow, by whom he had }lcadfsrt (see Pocnies:r, ilAnote). Ite sit. 2neliy, Charlotte, dan. her had (with tsve daiss., t’hanlottc-Diann, is. to Jamoe Lewis, Rsq., M.D. ; and Cathesine Diana, so. Nov. 1844, to of Liandaff, snil Etlward-Lysseh, a lient.-ael. in the Mi., and by her (who if. 19 Feb. 3961) hsd a son, IX. Sin Factects Lvocii-IlLoeoe; in holy orders. 6. in eldest dan. of the let Lord i’lnnkot, tnsd had, ResenT, prcseeh bareseh Wiliians.Csnynghasit, capt. reysh art., 6. llarch, 1821, P. 21 19cr. 1553. Francis, fornserly lime. 85th regt., rope. N. Mayo militis, 9, Dee. 1011, 8. st Anstrtathtr, Canada Wed, 26 Jnly, 1864. Katherine. Jf,ibfs—Nee temetere, isee tinside. BLOUNT, Stn E0B’AaD, llsrt. of Sodiissgton, Co. Worcester; 5. 3 March, 1705; e. ltie father ns 8th hnrouot, 31 Oct. 1303; no. 14 Sept. 1830, Mary-Frances, oldest dan. of Eelovard mount, Eeq., M.P., and has had iesue, iii. Robert-Joseph, 8. hI June, 1919. hhsgh-Fi-aneis, ii. 1 Jnesc, 1944. ii. Jotn-Franeas. Itiiic1igr. PLO Ti NT.