Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/160

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BLU lay Martha, dou. of Agmssndisham Cuffs, Eoq., and sister of Iv. Itarry, of Freshford, co. Somerset, Is. 11 HarrIs, 1732; m. J ho, 1st Lord Hosart, was created a BARONET OF ] 550LANO5, 12 March, 1166. Sir John was a diatissguiolsod suesulsor of the Irish bar, and represented the city ,f Kilkessny in parliament, lie ,,s. 22 PrOs. 3713, his cousin, Lucy-Susanna, dau. of Lord J..sesart, and bad with scress dauo., threo sons, of whom, I. Josix, o. his father. ii. William-Pitt, P. 22 Oct. 1761 so 29 July, 1913, Harriet., only’ dan. of Tlsosssos Pope, Los;. Of l’opefolsl, Queen’s Co., sad hr lacy (solso os. Sssdly, the 11cr. llrory Ilertsrrl) left, at his decease, 17 April, 1517, tsvo sons and esse slau., 1 Jossa, lsrrscssl Isaessrt. 2 W’illts,ss-l’itt, h. 12 Nov. 1615; so. 1 Sept. 1646. FrancesSlaria, fsssl slaa. of else late Jolss Knox, ER1. of OSuisliss. I harriet, r. 21 July, ts4l, to tte 11cr. J0501sls Carson, F’dllss,o of Trissity College, isoldiss. tss. Ovorington, a general ia Itse army, 0. 14 Aug. 1761; ii. in 1838. Sir John 2. in 179.9, and woo c by his eldest son, II. Sm Jossa. This gosstlcsssass s,s. lot, SIRs Plewitsoss, by whim (orb’s si. isa 1802) he hail sso issoo assd fssrlly, its 1812, ltestsr, do’s, ef Js,hss Itelohaus, of Loggrt’o Roth, co. Kilkenny, Lost. Sir Johss 51. in 1510. Cr,a,0i’sss—]2 Motels, 1766. A r,sss—lst and •itls, org., tess billets, fossr, three, tss-s, and one, so.; 2ssd ossd 3rd, or, a lion, passont-goordont, per pale, gu. and so. (‘s’,,ssa—lst, a desni-lioss, rampant, per fesse, so. and arg., armed ansI lassguesl, go.; 2ssd, a grilhss, segreosst, rert, ornsed, seingod, and beaked, or. Jfono —Cedonssss osnori. &af—Coslle lilussdess, Kilkenny. llpt’ror, SIR CPtARLEO-W5LLI.521, of flootl.slield lark and Riugmer, co. Sussex, barrister-at-lass’, MA., 8. 22 Nov. 1810; s. his ootssiu5 as 0th baronet, 13 July, 1847. ILiiorar. This is a branch of tho assciosst assd emissont fasasily of Blessat or Blo,s,st. I. Jsssses BlUNT, F.sq., soss of ‘f’lsonsoo Blunt, of Pooheotor, so. Kosst, woo creotest a Bssrosset by (Orots.e 1., 17 Jmse, 1720. If e o,. lot, 16 Jssly, 1659, his. Fhiz,sbeth Cossa’t, by whous (who si. 22 March, 1787-2) ho had ionic, s. John, 0. 23 Joly’, 1691; sl. ssnos. iii 1728. is llexsx, isis s000essor, iii. Chas-los, 0. 4 Noe, 1100; an officer so the army; s,s. Story, doss, of Poser Short, Es,. of Trsstrrdon, iss Kent (srlso 2. vs. William, 0. 22 Aug. 1737; si.lS Nov. 1738. 12 Dcc. 1765). and dying 18 Jssne, 1747, left an only sursivissg s. Dorothy, 0. 22 Slay, 1720. s’sn, harry, of Ringoser. in Sussex, 0.23 Slav, 1732; so.28 Dee. iv. Borothoo, 0. 32 July, 1033; of. ossso. 10 Sept. 1802. lifO, STory, sssdy cisslil of Perdisasids Askeso, F-so, of Liddiar,l Slifficent, eo. Wilts, by whom (wise d. 17 Jan. 1822) Sir ttenry it. 12 Oct. 1729, and was s. by his eldest non, Ise had issue, Sir Clsorles-ilorrell Mount, K.21.T., srho 5,5. IsP, ElloahethAnise, ill. Ssn Cssaat.ns-’t’ss.s.sass. This gentleman so. 22 Jsely, don, of Jolsss Wyclse, EssI. of 0alisnry, and had 1784, Rhinabolh, ossly don, of AIsles-soon Peers, of London, issoe, 1 Otenry-Charlos, 0. 19 Oct. 1786; sI. 13 Feh. 1810, stasis. svhons (svho 2. 17 Jon, 1836, aged 91) he had issue, 2 Wihliasss-fokes, t. 28 JssR, 1791; so. April, 1v25, CaAsLts-Rsen050, Isis heir, Frsooes-Clsarlotle. slats, of Iholsard Orlels;sr, Esq., and hlirlsord-Chsas-les, 0. 2 Jan, 1777; sss, 15 Nov. 1802, F-lisa April, is3t. Ito os, lssdly. 10 Nov. 1501, his cousin Elizabeth, dau. of Sic Charles—Williasss Blsssst, Post. sv. Wilhiuns, of tise city of London, 0.4 July, 1704; as. Mario William. P. 1700; us. Eliza, dau, of lIen. Goddard Richards, loots, and st. u. ;s. Hay, 1768. v. Thomas, P. Stands, 1707—8. s. lhaolscl, sss. 1st, to Sasnssol, son of Clsarles Blunt, Esq. and Ann-Sephin, P. 13 Slay, 1760; si ssosss, 1842. lodly (in 1712), to Colon Porkes, Esq. is. F-lRObth, as. — Essings. lie ,ss. lssdly, 22 Dec. 1713, Ssssossssoh, don, of Richard hlorha-Trylshessu, sss. to Sir C. Cockrell, Isart,, and 2.1789. t’rodoek, F-sq., governor of Bengal, ossd widow of Ileojamiss Elizabeth, sss. to Sir Charlos-llurrclh Bleaut, K.M.T., of Megnser, Tustmsso, Fog., hsst h;srl no ,sthor isosso, Sir Jsslsn Blssaot sl. Clsarlntlo, 5,5. to Lient,-tien. Sir Clsorlos tsnhoff, Lot. - 24 Jan. 3772-3. lle svaO 0. by hio oldest oorvivhsg son, II. Sso HENRY, who s,s. blarels, 1724, Dssrothy, oldest doss. Anna-lIons, sss, to the llssn. Charles-Andresv Brace. of William Nsitt, F-os1., co-heir to tier bnslhor, Jomeo Nott, Dorotisca, mss. to Rdss’ard F’letehes, F-sq. of Airesferd, Rassts. Tog. of Wolthomotow, and bad isosse, i. Henry, ls.24 Oct. 1726; ‘i. II Nov. fallssviog. ii. Jsshn, 5. 12 Dee. 1728,-st 7 Juno, 1770. Is,. Coans.m-Wss.s.s.sns, his soecessos’, P. 4 Suit. 1731. 110 BLU lINer. 1712, Lydia, dau. and Iseir of — Tewne, of llarylood l’eint, and had issue, I tleory, P. 16 3lorch, 1760. 2 Charles, sill Sept. 1763. 3 IF-sister, his is dr . 7 Jniy, 1827, ssssas. 4 llorry, . 20 Oot. 1020, asses I L3 dia, 0. 12 Sloroh, 1761. v. V,’al;es-, of Kensingteo, 5. 7 Slarcls, 1732—6; so. tot, 11 Nov. 1062, llary, dao. of Jonses Dondridge, and by her hod issue, an only olsild, Jonses, of Wallop Floose, Plants, who as. 1st, 8 Oct. 1792, llessrietto, dan. of ilobert Garden, F-eq., and lay her (who ii. 11 Seist. 1207) lsasl issrso, 1 11ev. WaIter, of Wnllep ilooso, 5. 23 Jon. 1802; sa. 16 (let. 1527, hlorion, doss, of Willians Peoree, F-sq., and d. 13 Slay, 1868, lsaving hod issue, llonlansl-Peorce, P. 26 Slay, 1828. F-snily’—Asssso. Agnes-l;otsreca. 2 Rev. Edword-l’owlstt, 5. 24 April, 1806; as. 22 June, 1831, Carolisso-Aune, dau. of Rev. Roger CloveN, and isas issIse, 1 lonriolla-Loulsa. (;lsartotse—Asane, Alfred-James, P. 10 Jssly, 1035. Fcsnois-’l’hoe1shilus, 0. 7 July, 1037. tiroet, P. 6 llorehs, 1040. llory-Assssc. James Blunt so. lndly, 2 April, 1810, Sarah, dan. of lbicliard Litlle, F-sq., and Isp her, wlso 2. 5 April, 1033, had isssse, I llssssry-Tlseo;slsilus-Jasnes-Wollop-Btout5 5.21 Jan. 1818. 1 Horriot, sss. IlolPert Wothen, F-sq. 2 (;lsarsople—yloriss, s1. sso s’s. 3 (‘arolisse-Arslacllo, s’s. 11ev. Alfred Wilkinson. 4 Sarals-Solissa, s’s. lhes’. Alex. Assssood. Wohler ss. lodly, 26 Joly, 1074, Anno-llorio, only dan. of Sir Tlsssssssss (isileiscose, of llcoslloy Park, to. hunts, and by Iser (ss’lso st.3 isec. 1o25, ust. 80) hod issue, I George, S.d Jan. 1778; do. ys. 30 June5 1839. 2 Edsesss’d-Waller, 5sf Kessgsslsot Pock, so. Ilanbe, Indian Civil Servsoe, P. 28 71ev. 1772; os. 2 March, 1813, Janet Shirley, dsso. of Junses Allan, F-sq., and s. Il Mar. 1000, Isosiag hail issue; I Edward W’s.Iter, P. Sept.1918, Sf 1840; 2 George-Allan, 0. 28 Jane, 1822, rI 11 Feb. 1840, ussss.; Henry, 0.10 ScIst. 1233,2.1062; 3 Charles-horns, lieot.-col. royal lsessgoi artillery, 0. 7 Sept. 1820; si. hlary—Assgosto, sian. of Psi. Toil, ssssd lose o sass asssl tss’a dons.; 4 Josaaes—St. Jolsn, in holy orders, vicar of Old Wiodsor Perks, and ehoplaiss to Ihie Qssecn, 0 2 Jane, 1827, sa. 13 April 1s;;l, isa;selIss—Ehsssstsotls, dun, of else late 11ev. John S;okes, vioor 5sf Csslshasss, Kent., and has issue; 5 Arttstsr, mIst, royal Posnbssy artillery, 0. 1 Jon. 1022; 6 Alex.- Cohn, in holp orders, 0. 14 Nov. 1831 ; 7 Dovid, 0. 22 hoc. 1233; sss. Frances-Jeininso, doss. of J. lfe1ser, F-sq. I Elizabolls-Ilas’iss, ci. S hay, 1839, Rev. liarris-Jervoite I3igg-W’illser; 2 llarriel5 iss. 17 Aog. lS4l, Rev. John T.aorell; 3 Sisirlcy-Anna. 1 Eliza-Slania, sss. 17 Nssv. 1204, Jolsn-Greolhead Harris, one of Ilse eonsnsissisners of the Inselvent Court. 2 llssrniett, 5;. sssssss. 1552. si Catherine, 0. 24 Nov. 1727; sI sooso. thee. 1771,ss- Elizalseth, 0. 27 Jan. l729 ; si sssssss. 2 Jane, 1730. ossd sister ssssd heir of Sir bfiohard-I’ccrs Symons, Hart., by Porlsrs, dau, ef the lope Cupt. Wihiassa-F’orbes Slercer, ond st. If Jon. 1846, leaving Cnasss,Es-WiLLsAoi, present lssrsnot; Richard-John, 0. 1812; F-has-Anne; Clsorlotlo-PlePeber; Lydia-Louisa; and F-lhoobeth-Sophio. nnd Isas, Cisorles, Witliasu, Alt-ed, Anne. and Sophia. Elizalsetls, P. 14 April, 1766; ii, asssse, Louisa, so. to ‘s’siillinssa Dent, F-sq. of Prickendunbssrs’, Hens, and d. 9 Slsrch, loll. Sussex, and 2. in 1832. Lydis,s,s. Ia Sir Alexander Seton, Pus-P. Sir Charles-WiIliosn d. 20 Aug. 1022, and svoo a. by his son, IV. Ssa Cnaarns-Rseseassu, 0. 6 Dec. 5772; ns. 20 Macoh, 1024, Sssphiss, dau. of Itichard Baker, hID., and ss’idow of Ifichord Aohmoty, F-sq., and by her (who 2. 14 Assg. 1062 B L U NT.